Thematic Tracks
Track 1: Enhancing Roadmaps for NDCs
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of limiting warming to 1.5 to 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels. NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. All Parties are requested to submit the next round of NDCs (new NDCs or updated NDCs) by 2020 and every five years thereafter (e.g. by 2020, 2025, 2030), regardless of their respective implementation time frames. Energy roadmaps can help industry, academic and research groups, civil society, and governments to identify and prioritize strategic R&D and investment needed to achieve technology development goals and climate change goals.
Innovative technologies and business models are needed by DMCs to facilitate and expedite transitions, and infrastructure investment must be future proofed regarding rapid technological evolution and climate change. In fact, implementation of NDC and SDG-7 goals are now more essential in the context of providing livelihood and sustainable development. Many countries have been expressing need for external financial, technical, and capacity building assistance to support NDC implementation, a move that could also enable some to raise their contributions. After the COVID-19 pandemic such need will be more and pressing indeed. Innovative low-carbon energy technologies can be scaled up by performing practical analysis through energy technology road maps and future-looking scenarios to identify and match subregion/country specific energy needs with sustainable energy technology and business model solutions which could not only provide access to energy but also affordable energy. These processes should be followed by testing of the applicability of these solutions in real-world situations. ADB is developing energy roadmaps for key technologies as part of its analysis of scenarios and strategies to achieve a sustainable energy by 2050.
The first two sessions of this track will communicate NDC implementation and the role of national financial institutions in addressing associated challenges such as identifying and prioritizing climate projects, mobilizing project financing, and tracking climate investment and climate actions against NDC targets. Focus will also be there on post pandemic changes in socio-economic structure and corresponding need of energy. The last session will focus on energy roadmap to help DMCs analyze how to achieve their goals in energy sector in the current condition.
Session 1.1: Overview of NDC Implementation in the Context of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific
Description: This session reviewed the implementation of NDCs in Asia and the Pacific region in the past 5 years and identified challenges and solutions in meeting the targets. Through the member states’ introduction of their implementation of NDCs, DMCs learned from each other on possible ways and means to incorporate energy development into the next round of NDC processes. The session also discussed how to scientifically and reasonably set the NDC goals to prepare for the NDC update in 2021.
Moderator: Preety Bhandari, Chief of the Climate Change, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Opening Talk: Yongping Zhai, Energy Sector Chief, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Scene-Setter Talk: Hongpeng Liu, Director of Energy Division, UNESCAP
Industrial Decarbonization: The Next Challenge
Presenter: Rathin Kukreja, Manager-Energy Efficiency, ICF Consulting India Pvt. Ltd.
As per the Paris Agreement at the UNFCC COP of 2015, member states agreed to limit global warming to 2 °C versus pre-industrial levels. Based on this member states have set up targets under Intended Nationally Determined Contributions(NDCs).
The industrial sector accounts for about 28 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, so it is evident that these targets cannot be reached without decarbonization of industrial activities. Industries have a long lifetime, so upgrading these facilities to lower GHG emissions requires meticulous planning, and investments should start well in advance. Three industrial sectors – iron and steel, non-metallic minerals (glass, ceramics, etc.) and chemical industries – are responsible for 70% of all global direct industrial CO2 emissions today. These sectors are hard to abate, due to their relatively high share of emissions from feedstocks and high-temperature heat requirements.
This presentation reviewed the latest technological developments in industrial decarbonization as there is a need to identify the most promising technologies, processes and business models in energy-intensive sectors to help meet the ambitious climate targets.
The Opportunities and Challenges for Climate Mitigation Actions (NDCs and NAMAs)- The Case of Pakistan
Presenter: Sana Khan, Management Trainee Officer, National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
Pakistan is a developing country, despite low emissions, it is ranked fifth when it comes to being affected by the impacts of climate change. During the period 1994-2013, the extreme climate events caused an economic loss of 4 billion USD. Pakistan having ratified Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement is working to achieve the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals set by the two. Currently, there are eight Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) that have been submitted by Pakistan of which six are still seeking support for implementation.
Similarly, meeting the 20% GHG reduction target by 2030, as a part of Pakistan’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), is facing challenges if the current energy mix remains the same. This study seeked to identify opportunities and barriers in the road towards climate mitigation actions undertaken under these agreements through SWOT analysis. The primary focus was on the NAMAs and NDCs prepared by the country.
The Road to Net-Zero in the Context of a Clean and Resilient Recovery
Presenter: John Murton, UK COP26 Envoy, UK Government
Net-zero target. The UK was the first major industrialized country to set a net-zero target for
2050. This was a major theme of COP 26 and, we believe, of UNFCCC climate action going forward. We contributed to a discussion and:
- Raised awareness about the benefit and methodology for setting a net zero target, including the political, practical and economic considerations
- Cooperated with Singapore and/or other Asian countries who have/are preparing a net zero target to disseminate the lessons from their experience
- Showcased UK tools to support target setting and monitoring such as our 2050 Calculator, a tool developed in the UK (and rolled out in a number of Asian countries already) to explore the options for reducing GHG emissions in their country, and the impact of climate change associated with them.
- Agus Sari, CEO and Co-Head, Restoration Advisory and Incubation Services, Landscape Indonesia and System IQ
- Briony Eales, Climate Change Law and Policy Specialist – Consultant, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Description: Rural development is not neglected in the achievement of NDC goals in Asia and the Pacific. The development of rural clean energy is crucial to the realization of NDC goals. This session presented successful cases of rural clean energy and discuss the challenges in its development. Rural clean heating, gas distribution, refrigeration, rural power grid, and other technologies were discussed here. This session provided reference experience for the rural energy development of DMCs and simultaneously call for attention to rural development in NDCs.
Moderator: Xuedu Lu, Lead Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Development and Utilization of Biomass Energy and Ecological Livability in Rural China
Presenter: Quanhui Wang, Director of Rural Energy Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, PRC
The report expounded on the experiences and models of the development and utilization of waste resources in rural China. In association with the implementation of the overall strategy of the Rural Revitalization of the Chinese government, the report put forward the new idea that rural clean energy helps in constructing ecological and liveable countryside.
Community-based PV mini-grid Management in Indonesia: What We Have Learned So Far?
Presenter: Dedy Haning, Director, PT RESCO Sumba Terang
This presentation drew lessons learned from Indonesia’s experience of several ministers in electrifying remote and secluded communities through Photovoltaic technology. The Indonesian PV off-grid has gained a remarkable achievement in slightly over 600 villages, connecting around 75,000 houses, created employment opportunities and offsetting 2,610 tons CO2 per year through kerosene avoidance. From a technical aspect, this program went through at least three generations of the battery system. This presentation focused on learning from challenges on sustaining this program with a central focus on community management aspects and suggests improvements for sustaining the services and improving future programming.
Reducing Energy Consumption in Rural Hinterland
Presenter: Shweta Garg, Manager, Madanand Ashram
- Moin Uddin, Chairman, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources
- Len George, Senior Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Description: This session discussed the latest technology development of renewables, energy efficiency, and electrification of other sectors and how to set a more ambitious target in energy roadmaps with regulatory changes needed for the NDCs. Speakers can come from ADB, DMC executing agencies, relevant organizations from Asia and the Pacific, as well as other international organizations, to present recent developments and challenges in each technology field.
Moderator: Anindya Bhattacharya, Executive Director, The Celestial Earth
Roadmap to implement NDCs in Asia
Presenter: Anindya Bhattacharya, Executive Director, The Celestial Earth
The presentation covered the background of the project under the TA 9690 and its rationale and importance in the present context of climate change mitigation and sustainable development. Regional and national level baseline energy outlook until 2040 were presented along with the scope of low carbon energy technology deployment in the region as well as at the national level. Besides, the presentation also highlighted how the countries are placed following the baseline scenario in terms of achieving their NDC targets by 2030 and the potential gap of achieving the targets. It also discussed how the different types of low carbon technologies (supply and demand side) can help the countries to achieve their NDC target. Finally, given the COVID-19 pandemic situation, how an adjustment to the NDC target would be possible by changing the priorities of technologies based on cost and social issues were discussed.
A Study on the Prospect of Hydropower to Hydrogen in Developing Countries in Asia - the Case of Nepal
Presenter: Wei Zhou, PhD candidate, University of Cambridge
Nepal faces a critical energy crisis due to an acute shortage of electricity and fuel supply, despite its abundant hydropower resources that have remained largely undeveloped. The country’s heavy dependence on energy imports, inadequate storage and limited diversity of domestic electricity generation sources present critical challenges to its energy security. Meanwhile, Nepal is among the countries that are most vulnerable to climate change. With hydrogen recently emerging as a promising solution within the dynamically developing global energy landscape, this study attempts to explore the prospect of hydrogen application for the unique context of Nepal where surplus electricity generated by hydropower during the wet season, which otherwise would have been curtailed, could potentially be converted to hydrogen for electricity regeneration to meet the demand during the dry season and/or electrifying and decarbonizing its major energy end-use sectors such as transport sector. The plausible hydrogen value chains were discussed, and the potentials of the hypothetical hydropower-to-power and hydropower-to-mobility pathways were estimated. This preliminary study is expected to help raise the awareness of policymakers and serve as a baseline for further investigation into hydrogen opportunities in Nepal and possibly in other developing countries with rich indigenous energy resources and facing similar energy-related challenges.
Energy Storage: Charging Up the Future
Xylia Sim, Managing Associate, Linklaters
John Maxwell, Asia Head of Energy and Infrastructure, Linklaters
Energy storage is increasingly relevant as a means of assisting with the intermittent nature of renewable energy and for balancing out the grid. This session included a summary of the state of the industry (stand-alone energy storage as well as combined generation and storage projects), and focused on the particular issues relevant to the emergence of energy storage as a viable investment class for developers/owners, lenders and other stakeholders. We drew on our experience from across our global network, in particular from Europe and Asia-Pacific. Issues that we covered include: (i) regulatory classification – is an energy storage project a generator or consumer of power; (ii) revenue sources, and how these may differ from a conventional project; (iii) financial projections; (iv) construction and O&M (i.e. contracting model, performance warranty coverage, degradation and noise coverage guarantees); and (v) E&S considerations (i.e. supply chain issues and safety standards).
- My Ton, Principal & Director, P&R Energy, LLC
- Xian Zhang, Ministry Deputy Director, The Administrative Centre of China's Agenda 21, Ministry of Science and Technology
- Florian Kitt, Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Track 2: Multi-sector Approaches to Clean Energy Development: Energy ++
Since the approval of its Energy Policy 2009, about two-thirds of ADB’s energy investment operations have been in energy supply, including electricity generation, transmission and distribution, and fuel supply such as LNG export and import terminals, gas pipelines, and urban gas distribution systems. Overall, the majority of investment has been in electricity supply systems. Under ADB’s Strategy 2030, energy supply is an enabling activity for the 7 Operational Priorities that cut across ADB’s traditional sector silos. ADB’s energy-sector investments need to shift from an emphasis on energy supply to focus more on value-added activities behind and beyond the meter that meet the Operational Priorities. These could include food security, sustainable cities, poverty reduction, and gender empowerment.
Three broad end-use categories account for the vast majority of all global final energy consumption:
- heating (including industrial processes) accounts for nearly half (48%) of final consumption, and of this traditional biomass provides one-sixth (16%), modern renewables other than electricity provide 8.4%, and renewable electricity provides 1.9%;
- transport accounts for nearly one-third (32%) of final consumption, with 2.8% of this provided by biofuels and 0.3% from electricity; and
- electricity accounts for 20%, with one quarter (25%) of this from renewable resources.
ADB and its peer institutions have done a good job at decarbonizing electricity and are starting to make some progress in transport and heat. This session will highlight ADB’s experience in energy end uses in sustainable infrastructure, cleaner production, the circular economy and related activities required to facilitate the global energy transition. We welcome submissions for this track that support ADB’s Operational Priority to make cities more livable.
Description: Thanks to improvements in technologies and distributed systems planning, people in every sector of the economy can now help deliver a sustainable energy future – from education, city planning, rural livelihoods, water systems, health sectors, and more. This session highlighted the breadth of new stakeholders deploying clean energy solutions across sectors. Presenters shared case studies and findings, including local communities’ economic development opportunities through the use of waste heat production at geothermal sites. This rural setting was juxtaposed with case studies of urban planning and design for zero energy districts and opportunities for diverse urban actors. Stretching the theme beyond direct energy generation and use, this session also explored progress in driving reductions in embedded energy through circular-economy approaches that can transform multiple sectors.
Moderator: Camilla Fenning, Director, South East Asia Climate and Energy Network and Programme Director, Prosperity Fund ASEAN Low Carbon Energy Programme, UK Government
Scene-Setter Talk: Atsumasa Sakai, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Geothermal Direct Use
Presenter: Nursanty Elisabeth Banjarnahor, GDE
Beyond the Grid: Driving an Economy-wide Energy Transformation by Cities and Industry in Asia
Presenter: Brent Habig, VP International Programs, Institute for Sustainable Communities
Cities and industry play a pivotal role in driving a comprehensive energy transformation within Asian economies. The session unpacked the energy transformation outside of the power sector, shared case studies from low-carbon cities in China and new business models that promote the energy transformation of manufacturing in India.
Net Zero and Near Net Zero Energy Districts – Case Studies from China, India, and the U.S.
Presenter: Richenda Van Leeuwen, Managing Director, Rocky Mountain Institute
While first-cost typically governs single building development, entire new districts are able to reach net zero or near-zero energy/emissions status through technology integration and design across multiple systems on a site. With project examples from China, India, and the United States, this session explored the technologies for efficiency, district energy systems, and ownership models that enable breakthrough energy performance. By helping to address urban health and local pollution, these new developments are creating vibrant communities, growing economies, and helping governments meet climate and pollution targets.
- Gavin Allwright, Secretary-General, International Windship Association (IWSA)
- Alexander Ablaza, Co-Chair, Asia-Pacific ESCO Industry Alliance
Description: When most people think of solar, they think of panels and electrons. Solar PV is great, but it’s far from all solar has to offer. Solar has opportunities across sectors, from solar thermal applications to emergency water supply and desalination, urban vertical farming that can reduce transport, concentrating solar for industrial heat and steam operations, and more. This session shed light on case studies and recommendations for extending the concept of solar energy. From the use of solar for water availability and community-scale agriculture to improving access to responsible health services in rural areas to demonstrating solar organic ranking cycle technologies for electricity generation, heating, and cooling, this session sure enlightened the audience.
Moderator: Andrew Jeffries, Director, Energy Division, Southeast Asia Regional Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Scene-Setter Talk: Andrew Jeffries, Director, Energy Division, Southeast Asia Regional Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
An Integrated Approach to Support Access to Energy
Presenter: Pamli Deka, Associate Director, Energy Program, World Resources Institute India
Electricity is a basic requirement for providing health services but many geographies lack in a reliable, accessible and sustainable forms of energy. Where electricity is available, power quality is poor and diesel generators come are used. The on-going pandemic further impresses the need for robust health, water, sanitation infrastructure in the developing world. World Resources Institute (WRI) is working across multiple geographies in India to develop an integrated approach involving multiple government and non-government stakeholders to improve the energy access situation of the health sector by exploring Renewable energy solutions.
The current approach of government departments to work in silos has not yielded in an integrated development approach resulting in gaps in the electrification process of the health sector.
This presentation by WRI elaborated on how to build an integrated approach for electrifying the health sector. It used examples from WRI’s work with health partners in India and East Africa. And focused on the four key components of the ecosystem – data, technology, finance and policy.
With this approach, different agencies - international and national development organizations can come together to address the problems of power deficit for the health sector while ensuring the quality health services. Making it possible to achieve the SDG outcomes for good health and well being (SDG 3) and for clean water and sanitation (SDG6).
Solar Organic Rankine Cycle Technology for Electricity Generation, Heating and Cooling: A New Pathway for Sustainable Development in Himalayas and Terai Regions of Nepal
Presenter: Suresh Baral, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, Pokhara University
Solar organic Rankine cycle technology (SORC) uses thermal energy from the sun to produce electricity. In addition, it provides hot water, space heating, and cooling for people living in Himalayas and Terai regions of Nepal. Furthermore, it displaces the need of using kerosene or other traditional sources for lighting homes in remote areas of Nepal. Overall, when this technology will be fully matured, it could be one of the appropriate technologies for the sustainable development of the country. The useful approach for financing a solar ORC system in Nepal will be by providing start-up and working capital loans. In the preliminary stages of ORC market development, it is important to provide financial support to producers to develop a market and for working capital. On the other hand, co-financing should be provided for specific promotional campaigns targeted either geographically or at specific stakeholder groups, such as by banks.
Renewable Energy-enabled Community-scale Agriculture: Evidence from Gram Oorja's Work
Presenter: Anshuman Lath, Director, Gram Oorja Solutions Private Limited
The presentation discussed some initial interventions in community-scale solar pumping for agriculture. Preliminary learnings suggested that the approach is suitable for remote communities. Scaling these interventions holds promise and can facilitate further investments at the nexus of energy, water, and agriculture, accruing benefits for the communities.
- Roy Torbert, Principal, Rocky Mountain Institute
- Roman Vakulchuk, Senior Researcher/Dr, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
Description: The People's Republic of China (PRC) has experienced successful economic growth over the last decades, but at the same time, has experienced challenges common to many upper-middle income countries (UMICs)—air pollution, urban-rural gap, and emerging cooling energy demand. This session shared how the PRC has tackled these challenges. Presentations in this session addressed ADB’s work on air pollution improvement, strategies for switching from coal to clean energy in rural areas, and deployment of climate-friendly cooling solutions. The lessons learned can be utilized in other developing countries that wish to tackle similar problems in their home countries.
Moderator: Sujata Gupta, Director of EASI, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Scene-Setter Talk: Atsumasa Sakai, Senior Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Tailored Financial Services to Support Green and Sustainable Development – China National Investment and Guaranty Corporation’s Green Financing Platform
Presenter: Liu Mingbai, Executive Director of ADB Project Center, China National Investment and Guaranty Corporation
The presentation demonstrated the brief introduction of the Loan 3504-PRC project, the Air Quality Improvement in the Greater Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region—China National Investment & Guaranty Corporation’s Green Financing Platform Project and some typical cases.
Switch to Clean Energy from Coal in Rural Households: Benefits for Air Quality
Presenter: Jin Wenjing, Engineer, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Depending on the daily temperature change in winter, research established a relationship between ambient temperature index and daily consumption of coal with a mathematical algorithm for the first time. It provided a possible scenario to calculate air pollutant emissions from coal heating in northern China. Take PM2.5 as an example, the results illustrate that potential improvement by clean energy substitution is uneven yet discrepant geographically. However, research also described positively that the substitution of clean energy for heating reduces the PM2.5 concentrations effectively.
Building a Climate-friendly Cooling Sector through Energy Efficiency Improvement: A case study of Ningbo City
Presenter: Dr. Feng An, Founder and Executive Director, Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET)
Assist Ningbo in designing a city-scale climate-friendly, energy-efficient cooling initiative to capture multi-sectors opportunities in reducing GHG emissions and improving energy efficiency related to refrigeration and/or cooling
- Yun Zhou, Senior Environmental Specialist, Sustainable Infrastructure Division, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Meng Fan, Deputy Chief Engineer, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Track 3: FCAS and SIDS: Resilience in the Face of Fragility and Conflict
Amidst the climate crisis, and now with the coronavirus pandemic, overcoming economic, energy and food insecurity, is an increasingly complex challenge, particularly for those living in remote low-lying small island developing states and conflict-affected communities. Climate change and extreme weather events—rising sea levels and temperatures, cyclones, storm surges, and tsunamis—pose threats to the survival of these vulnerable economies. These natural hazards, sometimes exacerbated by armed conflict, worsen existing development challenges such as deterioration of infrastructure, power and water shortages, rise in noncommunicable diseases, population pressures on limited resources, and disruptions in the transport of imported fuel and food across large distances and vast oceans. The differentiated approach required to address these unique challenges, however, provides huge opportunities for innovations in sustainable technologies and applications, and in cross-sectoral interventions beyond business as usual and towards resilience.
Description: Small island states are big ocean states. Sustainable harnessing of this vast resource supports economic growth and provides livelihoods and revenues beyond fishing licenses and vessel-day schemes. This session looked at marine clean energy production with multiple co-benefits: wave plus solar energy for a small island in Vietnam; marine solar for production of hydrogen, ammonia and methanol; and floating solar with aquaculture for energy and food security. Panelists talked about tidal energy and ADB’s Healthy Oceans Initiative. This was where the green economy and the blue economy meet the hydrogen economy.
Moderator: Samuel Tumiwa, Advisor, Fragile & Conflict-Affected Situations, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Scene-Setter Talk: Ingrid van Wees, Vice President (Finance and Risk Management), Asian Development
Wave Energy in An Binh: Blueprint for Climate Resilient Islands
Presenter: Minh Duc Duong, Business Development Manager, INGINE Inc.
An Binh, a small Vietnamese island, relies heavily on diesel generators for electricity during the 4-month rainy season. Locals are familiar with renewable energy, as they use a solar energy system. However, when the sun does not shine, the remote island’s climate and economic resilience is hampered by dependence on fossil fuels and oil price fluctuation. Harnessing marine power using a patented wave energy converter is Korean company INGINE’s solution to this issue. More predictable, waves complement solar in providing clean and stable energy for An Binh year-round. The technology is part of a bigger picture for the islet, which aims to become “Carbon-free”: Vietnamese and Korean companies and authorities have teamed up in a 5-party initiative to increase local renewable energy capacity, improve energy storage and promote electric transport. Besides protecting inhabitants from diesel pollution, the project is meant to encourage local economic development, including tourism. In the future, some of the island's wave energy capacity may provide An Binh's desalination facilities with clean energy, transforming local water supply into a sustainable cycle. An Binh's approach to smart energy supply offers a blueprint for other remote islands to achieve energy independence and reinforce local development thanks to renewable natural resources.
MASH UP: Marine solar-to-hydrogen / Unlimited Potential
Presenter: Nick Lambert, NLA Ltd.
Creating a truly sustainable hydrogen economy is conceptually simple: use surplus renewable energy to produce H2, ammonia (NH3), methanol, etc. (“energy to X”), and sell into existing global supply chains. Offshore renewable energy, starting with solar and wind, is an obvious option for many of ADB’s member countries due to the upward scalability. Ocean “energy to X” can be thought of as a mining industry which is circular rather than linear, and which is truly sustainable and renewable. The “secret” to competitive hydrogen production costs is in the form of advanced market commitments from buyers which anchor the upstream investment in renewable energy and hydrogen production, similar to traditional LNG export development. Based on current system costs, 1000 MW of marine-solar to hydrogen should be possible with much less than $ 5 billion investment (walkin' around money for people like Bezos, Buffet, and Gates). The countries and industrial partners who “go big” on green hydrogen will own the future.
Ocean Sun – A Unique Solution to Floating Solar
Presenter: Are Gloersen, Director of Asia, Ocean Sun Pte Ltd
Ocean Sun is a technology provider for floating PV systems and markets a proprietary technology based on photovoltaic modules mounted on a hydro-elastic membrane. The certified and robust platform minimizes the use of materials and enables direct cooling of the PV cells increasing the power output. Ocean Sun has since 2017 operated several pilot and demonstration facilities in Europe and Asia.
- William “Trey” Taylor, Co-founder & Chief Commercial Officer, Verdant Power, Inc.
- Deborah Robertson, Environmental Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Description:Building resilience in FCAS and SIDS requires concerted, coordinated and measured solutions. This session showcased examples of climate adaption planning and solutions, and post-conflict emergency responses. Speakers shared insights into developing the Marshall Islands roadmap for aid-effectiveness in climate and energy; highlighted lessons in providing rapid and sustainable response to water and power shortages in the wake of the Marawi conflict that destroyed infrastructure, and threatened health and safety; and described a method to grow ‘living breakwaters’ that protect coastlines and increase bio-diversity in local marine eco-systems, using renewable energy. Panelists talked about Nepal’s market-based business model for adoption of sustainable energy strategies by end-users and ADB’s Climate Adaptation Pathway in the Pacific.
Moderator: Olly Norojono, Energy Division, PARD, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Scene-Setter Talk: Samuel Tumiwa, Advisor (Fragile and Conflict-Afflicted Situation), Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Scene-Setter Talk: Arghya Sinha Roy, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Improving Coordination for Strategic Energy Investment in SIDS/ FACS - Case Study of Republic of the Marshall Islands Electricity Roadmap
Presenter: Nicole Baker, Principal, Nicole Baker Consulting
Over the last decade, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) has experienced a proliferation of development partners and projects, with a resulting increase in the transactional burden on national personnel and government departments. Projects have tended to be stand-alone, with limited cooperation between funders. In 2018 the RMI developed a long-term electricity roadmap - a strategic framework for coordinating energy-sector investments to better enable the RMI to meet their ambitious climate change targets and development goals. This session explored the RMI roadmap process and drew insights into how energy sector strategies and roadmaps can assist SIDS through developing a shared vision, crafting a robust technical plan, and establishing ongoing mechanisms for donor coordination. While this approach requires substantial effort, the payoff is in a potentially transformational increase in investment effectiveness and development outcomes, including enhanced resilience.
Keeping the Lights On: Keep the Hopes High
Presenter: Divina Chingcuanco, Sr. Energy Policy Specialist, RTI International
Following a 5-month long conflict between armed groups and the Philippines government security forces in Marawi City, USAID advanced a multi-pronged menu of sustainable and targeted solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs) across different sectors. The package of quick response development assistance was designed to alleviate the sufferings and improve the plight of roughly 360,000 IDPs. In line with the Philippine military’s strategy of keeping the lights on aimed at not only averting covert regrouping of violent extremists but instilling safety and security in IDPs, USAID through B-LEADERS rapidly deployed 205 units of solar-powered streetlights in selected transitory shelters that benefited 8,000 IDPs. The units were turned over to Lanao del Sur Electric Cooperative (LASURECO) after a series of trainings and workshops on repair and maintenance for sustainability. The technical assistance to LASURECO included a Vulnerability and Risk assessment report and a Resilience Compliance Plan. B-LEADERS likewise installed solar rooftops in four rural health clinics that provided basic electricity services to more than 22,000 patients using these facilities. The impact of USAID’s development assistance went beyond safety and security of IDPs but touched so many lives transforming a seemingly depressing situation to a brighter future filled with so much hope.
“Growing” Low Cost Engineered Barrier Reefs for Coastal Protection and Beach Restoration & Erosion Control
Presenter: Harald van Hoeken, COO, Ocean Life Foundation
Coral reefs protect against natural hazards by reducing wave energy by an average of 97%. Reef crests alone dissipate up to 86% of this energy.
Mineral Accretion Technology, which is more than 40 years old, can be used to grow protective barrier reefs using pre-fabricated steel structures and low-voltage electricity (similar to that used for charging mobile phones) to grow CaCO3 (limestone) using minerals dissolved in seawater. These living breakwaters can be seeded with corals, shellfish and other native calcium carbonate secreting organisms, to create permanent “living breakwaters” that protect coastlines and increase bio-diversity in local marine eco-systems.
Living breakwaters are substantially lower cost than any other form of shore protection and powered entirely with renewable energy, have a very low total carbon footprint. In addition to the scalable climate change adaptation and mitigation benefits, these engineered reefs also provide new opportunities for mariculture on a commercial basis.
- Noelle O'Brien, Principal Climate Change Specialist, PARD, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Bishal Thapa, Managing Director, Saral Urja Nepal
Description:Solar PV as a proven technology presents opportunities for integration of cost-efficient cross-sectoral innovations and value-added benefits in its applications. This session looked at an off-grid community in Pakistan that achieved resilience through enhanced community stewardship and training in operation and maintenance of solar-based appliances. Two cases addressing the climate-energy-water-food nexus challenges in FCAS and SIDS were also presented: hybrid renewable energy systems for agriculture and cold storage as well as greenhouse rooftop solar with rainwater harvesting and solar pumping system. Panelists described a smart-micro grid system that combines a lightweight wind turbine with solar and battery for remote island applications and highlight innovations in ADB’s clean energy financing for FCAS and SIDS.
Moderator: Emma Veve, Deputy Director General, Pacific Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Scene-Setter Talk: Carmela D. Locsin, Special Senior Advisor, OPR, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Demonstrating Benefits of Renewable Energy towards Building Resilience of Marginalised Communities to Climate Change Impacts in Karachi, Pakistan
Presenter: Hamera Aisha, Manager Conservation, WWF-Pakistan
Pakistan is not a significant contributor to carbon emissions yet it is ranked among top ten countries most vulnerable to climate impacts. This paper highlights key outcomes of a WWF initiative focused on enhancing energy security and resilience of climate change vulnerable off-grid communities in the peri-urban setting of Karachi – the largest metropolitan city of Pakistan. The initiative provided solar energy to 2000 HHs, in partnership with K-Electric – one of Pakistan’s leading power companies. The solar energy offered to these household was estimated to mitigate approximately 68.92 tCO2e per year and contributed significantly towards social and economic well-being of the target households. A prime success factor was the enhanced community stewardship and effective training and capacity building to ensure the sustainable adoption of RE solutions. This involved integrating livelihood opportunities, achieved through training of 41 community members in maintenance and management of the solar based appliances. Other indirect gender focused benefits from the provision of reliable solar energy included women’s use of their extra time for making traditional handicrafts, contributing towards their household’s income up to 20%, and more time for children’s safe play and education in the evenings. The initiative also contributed substantially to beneficiary health by curtailing the rate of snake bites, eye infections and pulmo-cutaneous disorders.
A Game Changing CSP Solution for the Livelihood of Islands/Seaside Communities
Presenter: Jey Lain, President, Allogroove Corporation
This CSP system is a complete, self-contained renewable energy solution that addresses many critical livelihood issues facing islands/rural seaside communities. These issues include satisfying daily utility needs and enabling development for the inhabitants. It provides power and water through ECO autonomous adaptation and at the same time creates economic values in greenhouse and fish farming for these isolated and often underserved areas.
Climate Change & Agrivoltaics: Solar Greenhouse
Presenter: Sunit Tyagi , Managing Director, InSolare Energy Private Limited
Climate change will impact the crop growth and resilience of food supplies, it is imperative to build better infrastructure with temperature and humidity-controlled greenhouses to reduce water usage, improve yields and deliver higher-value vegetables, fruits and grains.
Here we proposed the use of Solar PV for energy-intensive farming that reduces the impact of weather on the crops and makes it possible to deliver better performance.
On the one hand, greenhouse has had limited acceptance because it is difficult to justify the cost of extra capital when solely amortized over pure agricultural benefits. The biggest capital expense is in constructing a greenhouse goes into the structure to be used for the enclosure. While during operational lifetime it is the energy required to run the facility that adds significantly to the operational expense.
On the other hand, large scale solar photovoltaics suffer from misallocated use of precious fertile land. Combining greenhouse design with rooftop use of Solar PV allows saving of land resources for agriculture and allows control of temperature, humidity, lighting & micro-climate by using energy-intensive technology. Today Vertical farming can use LEDs to control light spectrum matched to growth needs of types of vegetables, combining agroponics, hydroponics techniques allow pest-free higher yields. Majority of the PV generated energy can be sold to local grid or provide power for pumping from tube wells and rainwater harvesting.
- Tom Clausen, Director, Flowgen Technology
- Annika Seiler, Senior Advisor to the Vice President, VPFR, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Track 4: Building Energy Sector Resilience
A primary goal of strategies both to adapt to the impacts of climate change and to manage risks from natural and other hazards is to establish resilience. Resilience has been defined as the capacity to resist, to accommodate, to recover from, and to evolve through shock and stress. It encompasses activities that strengthen the physical, social, ecological and financial dimensions of well-being. In climate policy discussions it has been conventional to see energy sector issues as mitigation issues, distinct from adaptation. However, energy systems themselves are widely exposed and often sensitive to the impacts of climate change and natural disasters, so that building the resilience of the energy sector is an emerging priority. Resilience as a guiding principle is also needed to prepare the energy sector for a wide range of changes—both anticipated and unknown—in addition to climate change. These include rapid evolution of technologies, along with social and economic co-determinants. These sessions will explore how energy sector resilience can be enhanced through planning, technology, capacity building and finance.
Description: This session presented experience and plans for climate/disaster proofing energy and urban infrastructure including existing and future developments. Protection of existing energy and infrastructure such as pipelines, power transmission facilities, health facilities, and supply chains, will be required during the transition. Planning and design for resilience to all possible emergency situation is to build back better.
Moderator: Robert van Zwieten, Managing Director, Asia-Pacific, Convergence Blended Finance
Scene-Setter Talk: Priyantha Wijayatunga, Director, SAEN, Asian Development Bank
Building Resilience to Climate Risks in Business Operations and Infrastructure
Presenter: Malavika Jain Bambawale, Managing Director and Head of APAC, Engie Impact
Building resilience and future-proofing systems to climate risks are difficult. We talked about the types of risks we need to prepare for, and some key solutions to unlock resilience, including technology for diagnosis, finance, and operations to create buffer and agility, and partnerships to share the costs and risks. We provided examples of how these solutions have been used to improve resilience.
Enhancing Power System Resilience—Improving Power System Adaptation to Climate Change
Presenter: Zixuan Guo, Senior Engineer on Power System Planning and Operation Analysis, China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd
Asia is the region with the most frequent and most severe natural disasters in the world. With the coming of climate change, disaster as typhoon, flood, droughts are becoming more intense while threatening the safe operation of the power system. Rather than a passive response to climate change with a big loss of economy, we proposed a more proactive whole process management, consisting of planning, construction, and emergency management.
Firstly, reasonable planning should go first, as to say, we should be fully dedicated to building up an eco-friendly clean energy system while planning out a robust multi-level power grid. Secondly, in the executing phase, effort should be focused on the construction level up of vulnerable power grid devices to be robust to extreme weather. What's more, in the operation phase, high-level monitoring and internet technology should be applied to make emergency management in advance.
Strengthening Urban Resilience: Integrating Inclusive Infrastructure, Energy, Climate and Health systems
Presenter: Reihana Mohideen, Senior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia
In our response strategies to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are effectively undertaking a massive experiment where we disrupt our entire economy and how we work and live within it. This has implications for our health and infrastructure, as well as gender equity and social inclusion (GESI) linkages. Better health is a measure of progress in diverse dimensions, including sustainable energy, cities, transport, and GESI. Being better prepared and learning how to become more resilient, is a more viable long-term option than waiting for disasters to occur. Preparation for disaster response requires an integrated approach that combines infrastructure, service delivery, and population response initiatives. Improving access to needed services in an emergency means ‘building back better’ in the wake of the current crisis, removing barriers to access, and building resilience and inclusion. This paper attempted to provide a GESI inclusive framework to assess these considerations.
- Toru Kubo, Principal Climate Change Specialist, Southeast Asia Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Edward Neri, Senior Science Research Specialist, Philippine Department of Energy - Renewable Energy Management Bureau
Descriptions: Advanced technology application has greatly changed the way we use energy and improved energy system capacity against disaster and emergency situation. Combining modern ICT technologies with power system technologies, renewable energy solutions, power storage, and other applications enable the energy system more resilient through proactive planning, smart controlling, better monitoring, fast locating, and efficient restorage.
Moderator: Jiwan Sharma Acharya, Principal Energy Specialist, SEAN, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Scene-Setter Talk: Jiwan Sharma Acharya, Principal Energy Specialist, SEAN, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Digital Twin Technology for Improved Power Systems Resiliency
Presenter: BenJeMar-Hope Flores, Ph.D. Candidate/Power Systems Researcher, Power Systems Analysis and Control Laboratory - Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Digital Twin technology – an up-to-date digital representation of the physical assets in operation. Experts can understand, predict, and optimize system performance to achieve improved outcomes by combining data modeling, advanced analytics, and industry knowledge. Currently, Digital Twin is being used in operations optimization, predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, and fault isolation among other applications. This presentation discussed some key impacts of Digital Twin application on power systems resiliency.
Is Electric Power Industry Ready for 5G?
Presenter: Qiaoyin Yang, Senior Industrial Solution Manager, Huawei Technologies
5G is positioned as the key technologies to support Energy Internet as a reliable and secure communication infrastructure that provides ubiquitous connectivity for Energy Internet.
This paper first summarizes various existing and future communication services for domains such as generation, transmission, distribution, and power consumption.
The 5G slicing technologies are being standardized by 3GPP and is maturing via pilot projects across the industry. This paper discusses the network architecture design for various applications to provide connectivity or serve as the redundant communication channel to provide improve the communication system reliability and resiliency for the power grid. This paper discusses architectural consideration of slicing at 5G core, transport, and radio access network (RAN), the architectures of 5G user plane and control plane, etc. To support large scale adoption of end-to-end slicing for electric power system applications, this paper also summarizes considerations and key indexes in building and adopting 5G for the electric power grid, including 5G network deployment strategy, deployment methods, and communication slice verification, and operation and management functions.
Lastly, the paper provides a review of existing and ongoing 5G supported smart grid applications, proof of concept projects globally and shares the first line differential protection in distribution and PMU applications over 5G communication networks.
Reinventing the Grid for a Fully Decarbonized and Resilient Future
Presenter: Kyle Datta, Senior Advisor, Roland Berger
Reinventing the Grid will discuss how the transmission and distribution grid would need to be designed to accommodate a fully decarbonized future, while simultaneously coping with climate change acute and chronic impact, using California as a case study. The session encompassed the total system architecture impacts of the changes in physical and operational layer architecture and the advanced technologies that will ultimately be needed to execute this transformation.
- Noelle O’Brien, Principal Climate Change Specialist, Pacific Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Divina Chingcuanco, Sr. Energy Policy Specialist, RTI International
Description: Improving management capacity can increase the reliability and resilience of the energy supply in the most economic and efficient manner. In this sense, energy resilience could be achieved by taking proactive measures, introducing emergency plans and working procedures, enhancing coordination and synergy with other public service departments, etc. This session focused on energy management related knowledge/practice sharing between countries, electric utilities, and other energy service enterprises.
Moderator: Priyantha Wijayatunga, Director, SAEN, Asian Development Bank
Scene-Setter Talk: Priyantha Wijayatunga, Director, SAEN, Asian Development Bank
Rethinking Electric Utility Resource Planning in Renewable Rich Environment
Presenter: Sumedh Agarwal, Manager, Tetra Tech
The economics of renewable energy-based generation, coupled with innovative technologies, have been growing more favorable, primarily due to changing market fundamentals. Realizing the opportunities offered by falling renewable energy (RE) prices, power distribution utilities (DISCOMs) can significantly reduce their power purchase costs (which accounts for 60-70% of total cost served to end consumers). Today, DISCOMs have little choice but to rethink the way they have been running their business. The critical step in this rethinking is resource planning, which allows DISCOMs to absorb more renewable energy into their systems, reduce the potential cost of generation fleet, and pass the benefits on to their consumers.
This presentation encouraged DISCOMs, policymakers, and other stakeholders to rethink their current method of resource planning and makes recommendations to improve resource planning at DISCOMs so they can move from a fossil-fuel-based power portfolio to a RE-based portfolio. It also presented real case studies of DISCOMs who have initiated such long-term, power sector planning at high RE and EE scenarios.
Managing the Energy Trilemma in the Philippines
Presenter: Josef Yap, Senior Technical Advisor, Ateneo School of Government
The transition to an energy mix with lower carbon emissions is hampered by the existence of the so-called energy trilemma. The primary consequence is a trade-off between various objectives of energy policy, e.g. equity and sustainability. This paper proposed a framework and methodology to manage the trilemma by applying methods related to multi-criteria decision making to assign weights to the various components of the trilemma. However, an expanded concept of energy security is adopted which translates to a version of the trilemma different from that of the World Energy Council. This study took into account autarky, price, supply, and carbon emissions. The values were generated by a software called PLEXOS and are incorporated in a welfare function. Policy options can be ranked using the values generated by the welfare function. In this manner, trade-offs were measured and the trilemma can be managed even if it is not resolved.
Offshore Wind – UK experience, Asian Opportunity
Presenter: Camilla Fenning, Director, South East Asia Climate and Energy Network and Programme Director, Prosperity Fund ASEAN Low Carbon Energy Programme, UK Government
Solar Powered Water System and Solar Community
Presenter: Jijiang He, Senior Technical Advisor, Tsinghua University
Solar-powered irrigation systems, as a clean-energy and a low-emission option for irrigation development and modernization, provides a reliable source of energy in remote areas, and contributing to the rural electrification and reduce energy costs for irrigation. Solar Energy provides a practical solution for these issues under the framework of affordability, cleanness, sustainability, and easy availability. Solar communities allow the resident to live with electricity, to equip communities with public service systems powered by solar energy, and to change production methods and lifestyles. Solar energy ensures healthy communities: by virtue of products supported by solar energy to solve public health and sanitation issues. through solar water purification, solar vaccine refrigerator, and solar clinic, there is available clean drinking water, healthcare services, and medical facilities. Solar energy changes agricultural production in a way of energy-saving and eco-friendly.
- Robert van Zwieten, Managing Director, Asia-Pacific, Convergence Blended Finance
Track 5: COVID-19 Impacts on Energy Systems, and Policy Responses
Description: This session included descriptions of the impacts of COVID-19 on different parts of the energy sector including utility power and decentralized energy systems, as well as new models for delivered technical assistance more effectively.
Moderator: Jerry Yan, Director of Future Energy Profile, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Co-Moderator: Yongping Zhai, Energy Sector Chief, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Scene-Setter Talk: Kelly Hewitt, Principal Planning and Coordination Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Sustainable Biofuel Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges after the Pandemic
Presenter: David Chiaramonti, Professor, President of Renewable Energy Consortium for R&D Polytechnic of Turin
Global Opportunities through the IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme
Presenter: Jim Spaeth, Program Manager, Bioenergy Technologies Office US Department of Energy
This presentation highlighted key potential areas for collaboration in light of the world changing pandemic. It also presented IEA Bioenergy’s strategic focus for the next five years as well as our planned key enabling research areas.
Energy End-use Trilemma - Energy Efficiency, Thermal Comfort and Productivity - Post-COVID-19
Presenter: S.K. Chou, Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering National University of Singapore
As we emerge from the months of personal physical isolation to the gradual process of regaining productivity at work, we are likely to face numerous challenges in securing a workspace with reduced risks of infection. This presentation seeked to highlight the technical challenges and contradictions, with energy implications, in making our buildings and factories safe and comfortable.
- Anish Garg, DGM (C&RA), Delhi Transco Ltd
- Graham Pugh, Principal, Propel Clean Energy Partners
Description: This session included presentations on policy challenges and approaches for dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on the energy sector. The presentations presented an analysis of impacts of, and policy responses to, COVID-19 in the energy sectors of Southeast Asia, China, and Pakistan.
Moderator: Dan Millison, Consultant, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank
Scene-Setter Talk: David Elzinga, Senior Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Impact of COVID-19 on Renewable Curtailment and Capacity Planning in the 14th Five Year Plan in China
Presenter: Liutong Zhang, Director, WaterRock Energy Economics (HK) Ltd
Renewable curtailment has been improving in China since 2016, largely thanks to strong demand growth and improvement in transmission infrastructure via the Ultra-high Voltage system to export power out of the inland provinces. However, there is only limited progress on structural reform to improve the dispatch protocols and grid flexibility. COVID-19 has a material impact on power consumption, and there are signs that renewable curtailment has re-surged; these will also influence the planning of renewable capacity in the 14th Five Year Plan (2021-2025).
We have completed detailed studies on assessing how renewable curtailment has evolved in China, ranging from hydro-power plants in Yunnan and Sichuan to solar and wind plants in the three “North” regions. We talked about the evolution and causes of the renewables curtailment in China and discussed how COVID-19 will impact future renewable curtailment and planning using a robust analytical methodology and case studies.
COVID-19 and the Energy Sector: Impacts and Opportunities in SE Asia
Presenter: Jennifer Leisch, Principal, Two Degrees Group
The countries of SE Asia are faced with pressing and unprecedented challenges as they respond to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. With a significant drop in economic activity, countries are grappling with far-reaching impacts on the energy sector in both the near and long term. This decreased demand has also brought about opportunity - countries are experiencing the environmental benefits of lowered energy use, driving a global outcry for a clean energy transition to provide not only cleaner air, but the creation of jobs and economic growth. Resilience or the ability to plan for, respond to, and recover from threats plays a key role in addressing the impacts from COVID-19 in both the near and long term.
This report concisely communicated key energy sector impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic in SE Asia, and highlighted opportunities to build both near term and long-term resilience to threats such as this. It provided examples from the region of how utilities or system operators are addressing some of these impacts, and provided recommendations going forward. This paper discussed building long term energy sector resilience to threats such as COVID-19, and highlighted the role that clean energy can play in building a more resilient sector.
Public Perspective on the Impact of COVID-19 on Energy and Climate Change in ASEAN
Presenter: Beni Suryadi, Project Manager, ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT), ASEAN Centre for Energy
Finding from the survey on the public perspective on the impact of the Covid-19 on energy and climate change in ASEAN highlights that COVID-19 is affecting almost every sector, especially transportation and industry, with fossil fuels and renewable energy as the energy sources impacted the hardest. However, the public also noticed that climate emergencies have somewhat become neglected because of this sudden pandemic. Most people perceived a positive temporary effect on the climate as a consequence of lower economic activities. The Government should use this moment to mainstream the information about climate change mitigation into the society, to infuse a more sustainable economy and environment-friendly activities in our daily lives. Identifying the short-term, near-term, and long-term aftermaths are necessary to mitigate the undesirable effects. Climate change issues should not be neglected for too long because AMS are among the vulnerable countries at risk of climate disaster.
- Jens Jaeger, Policy & Business Development Manager (Asia-Pacific), Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE)
- Robin Hughes, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Clean Vehicle Solutions Asia Ltd
Description: The short-term changes to business operations caused by COVID-19 have gotten people thinking about other changes in the way they will do business going forward. In the areas of energy and environment, this is especially so. The panelists described the direct impacts of COVID-19 in their businesses and shared their thoughts on wider trends and impacts for the medium term.
Moderator: Christine Chan, Senior Investment Specialist PSIF-2, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Post-COVID-19 Stimulus – Green or Grey?
Scene-Setter Talk: Antonio Della Pelle, McKinsey
COVID-19 has transformed the world and could be the most abrupt shock to the global economy in post-war history. After immediate “Relief” and a “Re-start” of the economy, governments will likely initiate a “Recover" phase, to stimulate economic activity. The post-crisis recovery is a moment of ‘use it or lose it’ for the climate agenda –a 'green' stimulus could accelerate net-zero delivery, whereas a 'grey' stimulus will make net-zero harder to achieve. There does not have to be a trade-off between positive economic impact and decarbonization - 'green' stimulus measures in general compare well with classic ‘grey’ measures in terms of socio-economic impact (e.g., job creation, benefitting most impacted subgroups). Initiatives need to be selected that deliver jobs in the short, medium and long term, preferably in industries that will thrive in the future. Measures also need to be efficient from a decarbonization perspective and reflect the best pathways to net-zero in the relevant sector.
Finally, the financing also needs to be carefully designed to deliver the right balances of fiscal pulls and regulatory pushes to make change happen.
Shared Electric Vehicles for All, Globally, Now!
Presenter: Rajarshi Rakesh Sahai, Chief Business Officer, Adaptive City Mobility GMBH
Post-Covid Commercial Real Estate Building Monitoring and HVAC Control Trends
Presenter: Mehmet Yigitcan Yesilata, Co-Founder / Chief Scientific Officer Sensgreen
While the world is going to normal after COVID-19, there will be needed state of the art building management solutions along with new regulations to reduce upcoming risks and make our built environment healthier. Potential IoT/AI based applications expected to set new standards in the new era will be analyzed during the presentation.
Medical Infectious Waste Changes
Presenter: Khalid Bahsoon, Managing Director, ECONAS Sdn Bhd
Presented the various types of technologies for infectious medical waste treatment, considerations, and assessment.
- Kate Hughes, Climate Finance Specialist, Asian Development Bank
- Shridhar Pandey, Director, Elecorev Energy
- We are looking for digital solutions to better manage waste, reverse the supply chain, increase recycling, increase collection, reduce open dumping, reduce materials to landfills, and track waste through the many hands through which it passes. Waste traceability is extremely important and relevant nowadays. Through ADB’s Innovation Challenge, grants of up to US$10,000 are available to pilot your solution, along with a chance to potentially create more resilient communities!
- How can we use digital technologies to inspire people to sort, recycle, upcycle, reuse, and innovate to reduce the waste sent to its final disposal? If you have digital solutions to this challenge, join the @ADB_HQ and @aim-edu #DigitalAgainstCOVID-19 hackathon. Turn your vision into reality. You can win US$10,000 for pilot testing if your solution is selected. Submit by July 6. #ADBHackathon