ACEF 2018 Speaker
BenJeMar-Hope Flores
PhD Candidate/Power Systems Researcher,
Power Systems Analysis and Control Laboratory - Seoul National University of Science and Technology
BenJeMar is a power systems researcher and has worked on projects involving multi-objective optimization, security-constrained economic dispatch, microgrids, transmission expansion planning for scaling up renewable energy, fault current studies, reliability assessment, and power systems stability and control. BenJeMar is currently a PhD candidate in Seoul National University of Science and Technology working on security-constrained optimal power flow considering the variation in penetration of renewable energy resources. He finished his Master’s degree in Electrical and Information Engineering from the same university and his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of the Philippines, Diliman. He is a registered electrical engineer and has also served as a senior science research specialist for a landslide monitoring system project funded by the Department of Science and Technology in the Philippines.
- Session 8: From Asset Ownership to Shared Economy