
ACEF 2018 Speaker

Dr. Pradeep Perera

Principal Energy Specialist,
Asian Development Bank


Pradeep Perera ( Principal Energy Specialist South Asian Department) is responsible for coordinating ADB’s Energy sector lending operations in India. Dr. Perera has been with ADB for over 15 years and was involved in ADB’s energy sector operations in PRC, Viet Nam and Lao PDR. During this period he has structured number of innovative investment projects in Hydro Power, Renewable Energy, Energy Access and Energy Efficiency. He has also conceptualized and led several technical assistance projects including TAs to support establishment of Emission Trading System ( ETS) in PRC and Power Market Reforms in Viet Nam. Prior to joining ADB has been with the World Bank group and has worked in both IFC and IBRD. He holds PhD Degree from Imperial College, London UK and Bachelor of Engineering Degree from University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka.


  • Session 2: Government Policy and Regulatory Design: Perspectives from Different Stakeholders

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