ACEF 2018 Speaker
Kristen Madler
Clean Energy Coordinator, Energy Division, Office for Economic Growth, Education and Environment,
USAID/Washington D.C.
Kristen Madler leads the Energy Utility Partnership Program with the United States Energy Association (USEA), the U.S. member of the World Energy Council, whose members include public and private energy organizations and academic institutions across the energy sector. The program supports executive exchanges between U.S., third country and developing country utilities to share best practices on topics such as: auction design, the integration of variable renewable energy, grid modernization, energy market development, and community engagement. Kristen co-manages USAID’s Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program which assists USAID partner countries to scale renewables rapidly and effectively through: strategic energy planning, grid integration, competitive procurement, renewable energy zones, and smart incentives. Ms. Madler earned a Masters in International Business Administration (MBA) from EADA in Barcelona, Spain.
- Deep Dive Workshop - Renewable Energy Auctions: A New Paradigm for Asia