News Updates
December 7, 2018. SAVE THE DATES for International conference in Bangkok on Energy 4.0: Designing the Future of Thailand's Power Sector. The event, which is jointly organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Energy of the Kingdom of Thailand, will be held during 24-25 January 2019. It will focus on energy technologies, markets, sustainability, finance, and regulatory issues, covering the areas where the most serious obstacles to progress lie and where the most important decisions are awaited. Click here for more information.
December 7, 2018. SEEKING CLEAN ENERGY PROJECTS FOR OUR PIPELINE.Do you need investment for a great climate change adaptation or clean energy project in a developing country in Asia? Would you like to pitch your project directly to investors? Apply now for PFAN's free business coaching and investor matchmaking services from the Private Financing Advisory Network. The next deadline for project submissions is 24 January 2019. Click here for more information.