ACEF 2019 Speaker
Nicola Armacost
Managing Director
Arc Finance, Ltd.
Nicola Armacost is the Managing Director of Arc Finance whose mission is to link the fields of finance, energy, water and sanitation. Arc’s financial institution partners have provided access to clean energy for over 4.5 million people in a range of countries including Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Nicaragua and Haiti. Arc’s partners offer financing for distributed solar, roof-top solar, e-vehicles and a range of other uses as well as micro and mini grids. Before founding Arc Finance, Niki worked at Women’s World Banking, a global microfinance network. Niki is an advisor to a number of companies focused on the off-grid energy space as well as MFIs and banks. Niki served as the Co-Chair of the Investment and Finance Working Group, of the SE4All Practitioner Network and on the Board of MISFA the donor consortium for microfinance in Afghanistan. Niki is a Mayor of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson in NY, USA.