ACEF Speaker

Agnes de Jesus

Chief Sustainability Officer,
First Philippine Holdings Corporation

Agnes C. de Jesus is the Chief Sustainability Officer of the First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPH) from 2014 to the present. Before this, she was Senior Vice President for Environment and External Relations and at the same time the Compliance Officer of the Energy Development Corporation (EDC). Because of her comprehensive knowledge and experience on environmental management social impacts and governance of more than 25 years, she was selected by an international panel as part of Asia’s Top Sustainability Superwomen Honor List in 2018. On September 18, 2021 she was selected as one of Diligent’s 2021 Modern Governance 100 from across four continents under the ESG and Diversity Trailblazer category. Since April 7, 2022 to the present, she is a member of the SDG Stakeholders' Chamber of the Philippine National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) on the Working Group on Peace, Security and Governance. Ms. de Jesus contributes to the sustainability field through the other responsibilities entrusted to her by several organizations. She is a member of the Advisory Council of the Business for Sustainable Development - Philippines since 2014 and a Program Committee Member of the Forest Foundation Philippines from 2017-2021. She is also a country reviewer of World Bank environmental and social safeguards and a trainer in the Philippine Learning Center for Environment and Social Sustainability. She served as Chairman of the National Steering Committee of the UNDP Small Grants Project in 2011, an environmental consultant of Kenya Geothermal Program from 1998-2011, and the Environmental Editor of the International Journal of Geothermal Research and its Applications from 1996-2004.


  • Deep Dive Workshop: USAID/USG Partnership for Southeast Asia's Clean and Inclusive Energy Future