ACEF Speaker
Dr. Romeo Pacudan
Technical Director - Power Sector Specialist,
Ricardo Energy & Environment
Dr Romeo Pacudan is a Technical Director at Ricardo Clean Energy and Environmental Solutions (CE&ES). He is taking the technical lead in energy sector projects and at the same time responsible for Ricardo’s energy sector business development in Asia and the Pacific region. He has more than 30 years of experience in the energy sector in Asia Pacific and Europe. He is currently one of the key experts providing support to Indonesia’s UK-Mentari Programme assessing green hydrogen as an option for PLN’s diesel replacement programme and providing MEMR support in preparing its hydrogen strategy and roadmap. Romeo Pacudan was one of the experts who carried out the study ‘Brunei Darussalam: Shifting to Hydrogen Society’ in 2019.
- Spotlight Session: Green Hydrogen: Its Development, Status and Prospects