ACEF Speaker

Jaquelin Cochran

Center Director,
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Jaquelin Cochran, Ph.D., directs the Grid Planning and Analysis Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, where she has worked since 2009. The 100+ member Center leads cutting-edge analyses and develops tools and methodologies to support utilities and communities with envisioning, analyzing, and transitioning to a reliable, decarbonized future grid. Dr. Cochran recently led the Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study and a portfolio of analyses about India’s power system. She also served on the National Academies of Sciences committee, “Laying the Foundation for New and Advanced Nuclear Reactors in the United States.” Before joining NREL, Dr. Cochran was an Assistant Professor of Natural Resource Management with KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. She also served as a Peace Corps volunteer for two years with the Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency (FEWE) in Krakow. She holds a Ph.D. from the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California at Berkeley.


  • Deep Dive Workshop: Identifying the Enabling Frameworks for Renewable Energy Multilateral Power Trade