ACEF Speaker

Kadidia Konare

Asia-pacific Infrastructure Capital Markets Lead,
IFC, World Bank

Kadidia Konare currently serves as International Finance Corporation’s Asia-Pacific Infrastructure Capital Markets Lead for Infrastructure where she has worked in Bangkok, Beijing and Washington, DC to secure financing for renewable energy projects. Prior to that she was an Agile Fellow at the World Bank CEO Strategic Initiatives Unit. Kadidia also served as special advisor to the president of the Republic of Mali, overseeing investment and major projects at the national and regional levels. Kadidia is a passionate social entrepreneur who aspires to bring prosperity to the African continent through entrepreneurship. She is the co-founder of the Impact Hub Bamako in Mali, an innovation lab and incubator that brings together young and talented people with diverse background to drive long-term positive impact. She is also an Asia Global Fellow from the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong and member of the African Leadership Network, a community of the most dynamic and influential young African leaders working to create change in Africa and to develop three million leaders for Africa. Kadidia holds a master’s degree of public administration in international development (MPA/ID) from Harvard University’s Kennedy School; a master’s degree in agricultural economics and a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Michigan State University.


  • Pre-Forum Event: Role of Pilot Demonstrations to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions hosted by UNIDO