ACEF Speaker
Karma Tshewang
Chief Engineer,
Department of Energy
"Mr. Karma has been associated with the power sector of Bhutan since 2001 and currently works as a Chief Engineer in the Department of Energy, Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources, Bhutan. He is presently associated with the energy strategy and policy formulations, renewable energy planning and studies, preparation of guidelines, implementation of plans, programs, evaluation and apprisals.
Prior to this, he worked as the Joint Managing Director for construction of 1,200MW Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority on secondment from October 2018 till September 2023. He served as an Engineering Officer to the Minister/Chairman of the 1,200MW Punatsangchhu-I and 1,020MW Punatsangchhu-II Hydroelectric Projects from 2012 to 2018. He was associated with the preparation of various hydropower studies under the 10,000MW initiative, formulation of Hydropower development plans & guidelines, National Transmission Grid & Integrated Energy Management Master Plans, bilateral energy trade and regional connectivity."