ACEF Speaker

Kee-Yung Nam

Principal Energy Economist,
Asian Development Bank

Kee-Yung Nam is Principal Energy Economist at the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department (SDCC) of Asian Development Bank. Developing strategies and policies, advising projects, overseeing trust funds, and analyzing issues on energy sector are among his responsibilities. Before SDCC, Kee-Yung was Principal Economist at ADB’s Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, where he provided analytical research and technical advice on power sector development and reforms, renewable energy, fossil fuel subsidy, transport, impact evaluation, country diagnostic studies, economic analysis. Kee-Yung worked at the International Atomic Energy Agency, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, and United Nations for Industrial Development Organization.


  • Deep Dive Workshop: Empowering and Enabling Market Development on Clean Cooking in the Asia-Pacific
  • Deep Dive Workshop: Regional Leadership on Sustainable Cooling and the COP 28 Global Cooling Pledge