ACEF Speaker

Monika Merdekawati

Senior Research Analyst,
ASEAN Centre for Energy

Monika Merdekawati is a research analyst of ACE's sustainable and renewable energy department with over 8 years of experience in renewable energy. She is responsible for the engagement with government officials, dialogue partners, and international organisations for any renewable energy-related initiatives to align with the regional energy cooperation blueprint, known as APAEC. She has published various studies, commentaries, and academic paper covering renewable energy policies, financing issues, just energy transition, coal phase-out, innovative solar PV applications, bioenergy, offshore wind, and renewable energy certificate. Prior to ACE, she was a developer of wind and solar farms in Indonesia, involved in the development of Sidrap Wind Farm. She holds a MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Southampton, United Kingdom.


  • Deep Dive Workshop: Identifying the Enabling Frameworks for Renewable Energy Multilateral Power Trade