ACEF Speaker

Naoki Sakai


CEO, D-sharing Co, Climate Tech with Patented Innovative Carbon Accounting Methodologies aiming to mainstream EV, spread renewable energy and stabilize the power system through Day-Time EV Charging Alliance in Japan, Asian Emerging Countries, and US. Nudge Project Leader supporting the Ministry of Environment, Japan (GOJ), 2000-2017 ADB Senior Energy Specialist, 1987-2000 Tokyo Electric Power Company, 1998 MBA, University of Chicago (Dean's Honor), 1983 BA, Economics, University of Tokyo , In ADB, Mr. Sakai was Mission Leader to finance the State of Gujarat, India to develop the world largest 250 MW solar power plant under leadership of State Minister Modi."


  • Deep Dive Workshop: Innovation, Technology, and Behavioral Insights for Energy Transition to a Low-Carbon Future