ACEF Speaker

Roger Fischer

Executive Director,
Asian Development Bank

Roger Andreas Fischer is ADB’s Executive Director for Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Turkiye and the United Kingdom. Mr. Fischer is a national of Germany, and holds a Doctor of Laws degree from Bonn University. He served as a clerk to the Hamburg Higher Regional Court, and was an Advisor to the Executive Director for Germany at the World Bank in Washington DC. As a civil servant since 1996, he held different positions in Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), working on investment promotion, regional cooperation with Southern Africa, education and social media. As deputy head of the BMZ budget office, he gathered experience in managing the Federal Budget process. Under Germany’s G7 and G20 presidencies, he led negotiations on the development related outcomes of the Elmau and Hamburg summits. Mr. Fischer has published academic papers related to his work, most recently on G20 matters.


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