ACEF Speaker

Taniela Tabuya

Principal Energy Analyst,
Department of Energy, Fiji

I have worked in the Department of Energy since 2014. I started work in the department has a Technical officer and worked myself up the ladder. Currently I'm a principal scientific officer for the Department of Energy. My key strength is research, project development, Review of Policy & implementation, Standards and management. In working for the Department i have expanded by knowledge technically in this three wide range of areas such as mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering. These experience allows me to rapidly identify the drivers and opportunities of development of not only renewable energy projects but also water projects, environment impact assessment, etc. Current achievement I was a leading coordinator on the review of a few of our policies. The formulation of the SDG 7 Roadmap for Fiji, Electrification Policy 2022, Review of the National Energy Policy, Therefore, SDG 7 Roadmap for Fiji and the Electrification Policy 2022 has been endorsed and passed by Cabinet.


  • Session 1.1: Women in the Energy Work Force and Leadership Roles