ACEF Speaker

Yu Tack Kim

Division Director,
Korea Battery Industry Association

· Working as a R&D researcher in the field of ‘Electric Double Layer Capacitor’ in Korea since 2001. · Eared Ph. D in New Materials Engineering at YONSEI University in 2016. · Joined KORBA(Battery R&D Association of Korea) and also belonged to KBIA(Korea Battery Industry Association) from 2011. · Project Leader of ISO 18300 in ISO(International Organization of Standardization) TC22/SC21A and Expert of Lithium-ion Battery & Capacitor in IEC and ISO · EV expert for battery module & pack performance and safety test in KATS(Korea Agency for Technology and Standard) · ESS R&D, BM, Policy, Standard expert in KATS(Korea Agency for Technology and Standard), KETEP(Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning) · ESS pilot project, safety guideline Consultant of ADB, World Bank · EV 2nd life battery and clean recycle engineer for circular economic of battery
