Special Events

Small Grids: Towards 100% Renewable Energy

Electricity systems in island nations of the Pacific, with few exceptions, are heavily reliant on imported fuel oil for their generation. This reliance has long been a cause of concern, and has motivated investments in alternative sources of generation – primarily in solar and wind. However, relatively high costs and technical constraints on the level of penetration of intermittent renewable generation have limited progress in diversification away from fossil fuels for power generation. But the landscape is changing. Advances in grid design and falling costs for solar and wind generation, and in battery storage technologies, offer greater opportunities for small systems to reduce their reliance on fuel oil for power generation. We explore these trends and recent project experiences in this session.


ADB-ILO Policy Dialogue on Skills for Clean Energy Transition

Climate change is a key challenge facing the international community. It calls for transforming our economic and institutional frameworks to enable new or adapted technologies and business models to replace the old ones. A large number of countries are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change when, at the same time, energy requirements are growing to sustain growth in emerging economies. Facing this paradox, many countries are working on a transformational energy agenda for the post-2015 era, seeking to advance in their use of clean energy.

Human capital needs to be an integral part of the energy transition because the challenges we face need multi-sectoral and global responses that promote inclusive growth. A well-managed transition can become a strong driver for job creation, social justice and poverty eradication. While in the short term job losses can be expected in carbon intensive sectors, research show that a net positive gain can be expected from the new jobs created in the shift to renewable energy and energy efficient production process and outputs. For workers to benefit fully from these gains, it is important that skills needs are anticipated and appropriate re-skilling programs are pursued.

The Policy Dialogue on Skills for Clean Energy Transition provides an arena to tap important synergies between the worlds of 'energy' and 'human capital and employment': both vital for development at the global level. Experts from the worlds of clean energy and education, skills and employment will discuss how to accelerate and create opportunities for a just energy transition for all. The policy dialogue will inform ongoing debates and actions from COP21 towards COP22.

In this session, panelists and participants will debate the implications of the energy transition for the labor market, training and education policies. Participants will be informed of ways to mobilize employment, training and education stakeholders to prepare and facilitate implementation of national objectives in line with what can be required by the clean energy transition. The policy dialogue will discuss how the energy transition can reinforce three key socio-economic targets: decent jobs, fighting unemployment and poverty.

The policy dialogue will address the following questions: (1) How can we raise the profile of skills to address clean energy transition? (2) What examples are already being put into practice by governments, development, and financial institutions? (3) What concrete actions can we propose to take up this agenda in COP22?

