ACEF Speaker

Usha Maskey Manandhar

Advisor (Policy, Governance and GESI Integration),
MinErgy Initiatives

Usha Maskey Manandhar, with a Master Degree in Sustainable International Development, has over twenty-five years of active work experiences in projects related to ethical labour management, sustainable livelihoods, climate change mitigation & adaptation, energy-efficiency and renewable energy, WaSH and building construction sectors. In MinErgy, she brings in her vast experiences of managing partnerships, engagement and collaboration with government entities, private sector (primarily small and medium enterprises) and local organisations towards improving energy and environment conditions and inclusive services. She is well versed on coupling approaches in the projects such as i) pyscho-social and agency-based empowerment, ii) techno-social integration in technology development and adaptation; iv) gender equality and social inclusion; v) strengthen supply chain and market system development, vi) private sector engagement and vii) local governance. She has provided her services to various funding agencies also for projects internationally such as Mongolia, Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • Session 1.2: Gender-Responsive Energy Policies and Programs