ADB = Asian Development Bank, CLASP = Collaborative Labeling and Annotation System Platform, DNV = Det Norske Veritas, D-Sharing = Denryoku Sharing, ETP = Energy Transition Partnership, = Green Hydrogen Organisation, GIZ = Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbei, IRENA = International Renewable Energy Agency, ISA = International Solar Alliance, KEA = Korea Energy Agency, LGU = local government unit, MOTIE = Republic of Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, PSIF = The Infrastructure Finance Division, PSOD = Private Sector Operations Department, OPPP = Office of Public-Private Partnership, SEforALL = Sustainable Energy for All, UNESCAP = United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, UNIDO = United Nations Industrial Development Organization, USAID-RDMA = United States Agency for International Development - Regional Development Mission for Asia