
In stakeholder surveys in Southeast Asia, the organizers of this Side Event have identified a number of common challenges facing stakeholders working in the area of Energy Transition. These include lack of institutional capacity; lack of platforms for information sharing; lack of updated information; time taken in coordination meetings/duplication of work; the fact that stakeholders do not know each other: lack of synergy and coordination; and the lack of a news portal for regional policy development.

To address these challenges and gap, the Programme “Clean, Affordable and Sustainable Energy for Southeast Asia” (CASE) and the Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) are working to develop an interactive platform to facilitate dialogue and promote coordination in the SE Asia power sector. The platform will be called the Southeast Asia Information Platform for the Energy Transition (SIPET), and it will be launched in September 2022. This event is designed to introduce SIPET to a range of Energy Transition stakeholders in Southeast Asia.


This Side Event will have the following primary objectives:

  • introduce the SIPET platform to Energy Transition professionals in Southeast Asia;
  • describe the vision for SIPET and the benefits it can provide for a range of stakeholders including government agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations, investors, donor agencies and development institutions, clean energy experts, research institutes and academia, and clean energy experts and advisors;
  • describe some of the key functions and tools that will be available on the platform;
  • inform participants how they can sign up to become a member and user of SIPET; and
  • solicit feedback and suggestions for the SIPET engagement and marketing effort.


Time (Manila) Activities
08:00 - 08:05 p.m. Welcome to the Workshop

  • Duangkamol Wongworachan, Senior Communication Officer, GIZ Thailand
08:05 - 08:15 p.m. The Vision for SIPET: An Interactive Hub for Action on the Energy Transition in Southeast Asia

  • Simon Rolland, Programme Director, GIZ Thailand
08:15 - 08:25 p.m. SIPET’s Potential to Inform the Energy Transition Discourse in SE Asia

  • Angelika Marie David, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC)
08:25 - 08:30 p.m. Audience Poll #1
08:30 - 08:45 p.m. How SIPET Can Provide Insights to Practitioners Working on Southeast Asia’s Power Systems

  • Gustavo de Vivero, New Climate Institute, Power Sector Tracking Tool
  • Samarth Kumar, Agora Energiewende, Power Sector Database
  • Mason Inman, Global Energy Monitor, Gas and Coal Power Plant Trackers
08:45 - 08:55 p.m. How SIPET Can Help with Donor and Stakeholder Coordination on Energy Transition Projects

  • John Cotton and Maria Fritzie Vergel, Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (ETP)
08:55 - 09:00 p.m. Audience Poll #2
09:00 - 09:15 p.m. Q&A and Discussion

About the Organizer

The programme “Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia” (CASE) is jointly implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and international and local expert organisations in the area of sustainable energy transformation and climate change: Agora Energiewende and NewClimate Institute (regional level), the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) in Indonesia, the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) in the Philippines, the Energy Research Institute (ERI) and Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) in Thailand, and Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition (VIET) in Vietnam.

Funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), CASE aims to support a narrative change in the region’s power sector towards an evidence-based energy transition, in the pursuit of the Paris Agreement goals. The programme makes use of available research initiatives while generating new evidence grounded in local realities that can influence economic managers, power sector decision makers, industry leaders and electricity consumers to support early, speedy, and responsive strategic reforms in the power sector. To reach this objective, the programme applies a joint fact-finding approach involving expert analysis and dialogue to work towards consensus by converging areas of disagreement.

Furthermore, CASE is an aligned programme of the Energy Transition Partnership (ETP), an alliance of international donors, philanthropies, and partner governments established to accelerate energy transition and to support sustainable development goals in Southeast Asia.

Point of Contact

Marc Tagub, Communications Support Team
CASE Programme
Asia Clean Energy Partners