ACEF Speaker

Mikael Jakobsson

President / CEO,
Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association / NXITY

Mr. Mikael Jakobsson is the CEO of NXITY, a district energy advisory firm with offices in Beijing, Bangkok, and Stockholm. In 2017, Mr. Jakobsson initiated the establishment of the Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association (APUEA), a sector association supporting cities across Asia-Pacific accelerating the development of sustainable urban energy. Mr. Jakobsson is the President of APUEA. Furthermore, Mr. Jakobsson is official District Energy Advisor to Qingdao Development and Reform Commission, and member of the World Economic Forum’s International Energy Community China. Mr. Jakobsson has a master’s degree in civil engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Mr. Jakobsson has 20 years of experience within Energy Management, Project Management and Energy Engineering, with specialist knowledge in Design- and Operation optimization, including thermal and hydraulic steady-state and hydraulic transient-state analysis, of complex District Energy systems. Mr. Jakobsson has developed and optimized some 100 District Energy systems globally, whereof 70 across Asia-Pacific.
