Green Hydrogen for Industrial Decarbonization: Green hydrogen and its derivative zero- and low-carbon fuels have the potential to become vital low-carbon energy carriers in hard-to-abate sectors such as cement, iron, steel, chemicals and aluminum as well as international shipping.
Thematic Track 4: Financing New and Innovative Clean Energy Solutions in Hard-to-Abate Sectors
Thematic Track 3: Delivering Electricity Transmission and Distribution for the Future
Governance and Optimal Planning of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Infrastructure: Countries have tried different approaches to develop their electricity transmission and distribution grids. With fast growing renewable energy capacity spread across many regions, the process has become more complex.
Thematic Track 2: Doubling Progress in Energy Efficiency by 2030
Energy Efficiency Policies: There are proven successful energy efficiency policies that can be implemented today with immediate large-scale impacts at low cost. What has been the impact and achievements of minimum energy performance standards and labelling, building codes, fuel economy standards, energy management systems, energy efficiency revolving funds, public procurement, taxation and others? How are energy efficiency policies being quickly deployed in developing countries? Which countries in Asia and the Pacific have been leading on energy efficiency policies, and where did they start? How have these policies resulted in increased investment by the private sector?
Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Today, buildings account for one-third of global energy consumption and emissions and likely to increase substantially with growing urbanization.
Thematic Track 1: Tripling Renewable Energy Capacity by 2030
Renewable Energy for Power: Some countries are blessed with significant renewable energy resources and with considerable potential to be developed. Yet private sector participation and financing remains limited, and large, complex projects can take a long time to materialize.