Session 3.3: Solar Plus: Alternatives and Enhancements to Solar for Power Generation

June 9th, 2020

Description:Solar PV as a proven technology presents opportunities for integration of cost-efficient cross-sectoral innovations and value-added benefits in its applications. This session looked at an off-grid community in Pakistan that achieved resilience through enhanced community stewardship and training in operation and maintenance of solar-based appliances.

Session 3.2: Planning, Designing, and Building for Climate Resilience

June 9th, 2020

Description:Building resilience in FCAS and SIDS requires concerted, coordinated and measured solutions. This session showcased examples of climate adaption planning and solutions, and post-conflict emergency responses. Speakers shared insights into developing the Marshall Islands roadmap for aid-effectiveness in climate and energy; highlighted lessons in providing rapid and sustainable response to water and power shortages in the wake of the Marawi conflict that destroyed infrastructure, and threatened health and safety; and described a method to grow ‘living breakwaters’ that protect coastlines and increase bio-diversity in local marine eco-systems, using renewable energy.

Session 3.1: Harnessing the Oceans

June 9th, 2020

Description: Small island states are big ocean states. Sustainable harnessing of this vast resource supports economic growth and provides livelihoods and revenues beyond fishing licenses and vessel-day schemes. This session looked at marine clean energy production with multiple co-benefits: wave plus solar energy for a small island in Vietnam; marine solar for production of hydrogen, ammonia and methanol; and floating solar with aquaculture for energy and food security.