Session 1.1: National Energy Transition Roadmaps and Government Action

May 29th, 2022

Speakers in this session will discuss CO2 abatement scenarios for Vietnam’s power sector; skill development for Photovoltaic (PV) installers at the local level in Indonesia; and lessons learned by India from mapping government support and subsidies for different areas of the energy sector. Panelists will supplement this discussion by sharing lessons from international coal phase-out policies; and how some initial experiences from Singapore, the Philippines, and China can inform an approach to coordinating the retirement of old generating capacity with simultaneous entry of new low/zero carbon technologies and fuels.

Track Chair: Dr. Han Duo, Director, Duo Energy
Moderator: Xunpeng Shi, (Research Principal/Professor, Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney )


Time (Manila) Activities
2:00 - 2:05 p.m. Introduction to the Session/Scene Setter

  • Dr. Han Duo, ACEF Track 1 Chair
2:05 - 2:10 p.m. Introduction to Speakers and Panelists

  • Xunpeng Shi Session 1.1 Moderator
2:10 - 2:40 p.m. Presentations (10 minutes per speaker)

    CO2 abatement scenarios for Vietnam’s power sector to 2030

  • Ms. Nhien Ngo, Executive Director, Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition
  • The power sector is a key CO2 emitter in Vietnam and it is projected to be the most significant by 2030 as in the country’s Updated NDC. This study investigates the options for Vietnam’s power sector to reduce CO2 emissions based on the priority principle: energy security, affordability, and higher emission reduction. Four scenarios are developed and evaluated. A combination of power balance, hourly economic dispatch, and grid models are used to assess the supply and demand balance, and security of supply for a whole year at hourly resolution. Evaluated socioeconomics aspects include the system’s net present cost, the balance of payment, and jobs. Results show that Vietnam’s power sector could reduce emissions by 49% by 2030 compared to NDC’s BAU when improving energy efficiency measures, phasing out some aging coal power plants, increasing floating solar, onshore and offshore wind capacity, and enhancing the system’s flexibility and grid infrastructure

    Local government action in Solar Photovoltaic (PV) skill development to support national energy transition target in Indonesia

  • Ms. Queentries Regar, Director, PT Radiasi Karya Timur
  • The presentation will offer an understanding of how the provincial government of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) reacts to the Government of Indonesia’s renewable energy commitment and draws a link to their commitment to skill development programs to support green growth. The presentation will also provide a brief outlook on the market conditions in the province from the private sector perspective. In a nutshell, the presentation will discuss the opportunity for solar PV job creation and suggest recommendations for the NTT government in the efforts of adopting and expanding solar PV applications in their islands.

    Mapping Government Support for Energy Transition – Lessons from India

  • Ms. Swasti Raizada, Policy Advisor, International Institute for Sustainable Development
  • Carefully designed energy support measures—subsidies, public utilities’ investments, and public finance institutions’ lending—and government’s energy revenues play a key role in a country’s transition to clean energy. In India, over USD 77 billion of support was provided to the energy sector This session provides a framework for tracking a country’s progress towards its Net Zero targets and provides a detailed assessment of how aligned is India’s government support in reaching its Net Zero targets.

2:40 - 3:15 p.m. Panel Discussion

  • Ms. Nhien Ngo, Executive Director, Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition
  • Ms. Queentries Regar, Director, PT Radiasi Karya Timur
  • Ms. Swasti Raizada, Policy Advisor, International Institute for Sustainable Development
  • Mr. Will Wright, Senior Consultant, Economic Consulting Associates
  • Mr. Liutong Zhang, Director, WaterRock Energy
  • Session Moderator: Xunpeng Shi
3:15 - 3:30 p.m. Q&A from the Audience and session wrap-up

  • Xunpeng Shi, Session Moderator