Session 3: Energy Access for Urban Poor

May 8th, 2018

The session will highlight the energy situation (including cooking and electricity) in urban and peri-urban areas. The presentations in this session will address the key issues and many challenges faced by households and service providers in urban areas who are trying to achieve access to safer, cleaner and legal sources of energy. The presenters will discuss various approaches to addressing these issues, including innovative payment schemes, partnership models, and distribution utility-government partnerships, among others.


Session Chair: Debajit Palit, Associate Director and Senior Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)


Sukla Chandra, Managing Director India, General Electric

Energy Access for the Urban Poor

Challenges and learnings of microgrid which can be translated to Urban areas. Role of Alliance Rural Electrification and plan in 2018 to help grow the microgrid markets worldwide specially focusing in southeast Asia and Africa.

Riya Kumar, India Country Representative Global Alliance for Clean Cookstove, Sukla Chandra, Managing Director India General Electric

Learnings from Microgrids

Key learnings and challenges GE has had in the recent past in developing a hybrid solution for rural electrification in different countries in Africa and Southeast Asia will be discussed. The presentation will also highlight activities of the Alliance for Rural Electrification and the knowledge transfer between urban and remote electrification. The solutions are the same in both sectors, but the deployment strategies differ. The presentation will also outline GE’s position on policies, funding and partnership building.

Khristin Hunter, Country Coordinator, Philippines Entrepreneurs du Monde

PAYG Solar Solution in Urban Metro Manila

In Metro Manila, 38% of the population lives in dense areas of extreme poverty, with more than 4 million people in unsafe housing and with unreliable access to electricity. Most use kerosene lamps, candles and the like for lighting and cooking, leading to a high risk of fire. This presentation will detail how ATE Co provided more than 300 households with safe, clean, economical energy access via an innovative Pay As You Go solar kit, paired with the mobile technology of Angaza. With a customer base of 72% women, this access to light provides increased safety in vulnerable areas, in addition to providing the ability to work after dark. The presentation will also preview a new partnership with PayMaya that is expected to give customers—many of whom have never had a traditional bank account—access to mobile payment.

Krishna Nepal, General Manager, Salleri Chialsa Electricity Co. Ltd. (SCECO)

Off-Grid Electrical Utility Model to Remote Area

Salleri Chialsa Electricity Company Limited (SCECO) is an off-grid electric utility company which supplies electricity service to about 2000 households at Salleri and surrounding villages of Solukhumbu district (one of the remote and hilly districts) of Nepal, about 300 km away from Kathmandu. This presentation will describe SCECO’s hydro power plant using a classic runoff river scheme, designed for 633 kW gross capacities with three units of turbine alternator sets. The electricity is supplied through 11kV transmission lines and distributed through 380/220 V underground cable.

Theresa Capellan, President, SunAsia Energy Philippines

Community Solar Providing Energy Access to Urban Poor

The growth of the Philippine economy has pushed illegal settlers to the fringes of development. Though government housing is provided in order to make way for urban renewal projects, settlers are unable to occupy their new built homes due to lack of electricity and water services in their new settlement area. This presentation will describe how a private enterprise created a micro grid solution integrating solar, storage and grid power in the low income community to deliver clean and affordable electricity in their new settlement. The partnership created for this community initiative involving a private company, the housing cooperative, and select not-for-profit organizations served as the driving force behind the innovations where smart meters, pre-paid system, and energy management systems all work together to make the project bankable.