The development and optimal use of the renewable energy (RE) resources is central to the ADB’s Pacific Developing Member Countries’ (DMCs) sustainable energy agenda. Renewable energy is an essential part of Pacific countries’ low emissions development strategy and is vital to addressing the challenges of climate change, energy security, and access to energy. Despite considerable abundant renewable resources, Pacific DMCs have been slow to adopt renewable energy and electricity prices are among the highest in the world due to high dependency on fossil fuel in energy mix.

Regulatory regimes are crucial to capitalize on the substantial RE potential in the Pacific, reduce GHG emissions locally, improve affordability and sustainability of the power supply, and set a global example for promoting integrated RE development.

The comprehensive regulation reforms provide a window of opportunity to accelerate broader energy policy objectives leveraging private sector participation in RE investments. However, there is no one-size-fits all approach if Pacific DMCs are to meet the needs of the energy transition and decarbonize its shared regional future.

The session aims at building an understanding of inter-linkages of regulation reforms and creating an enabling environment for private sector participation in RE development in the Pacific DMCs. The session’s agenda will address the Pacific region's challenges in energy regulation and is set to define actionable solutions in sector regulation for enabling accelerated transition to a low carbon energy future.

In particular the session aims at:

Relevancy and effectiveness of regulation policy instruments such as investment/tax incentives, feed-in tariffs, net-metering/net-billing programs and other regulatory incentives for RE in the Pacific.

“Pacific context” in energy regulation design and implementation, including:

  • models for effective regulation and case studies on effective application of such models.
  • energy access, service quality, and tariff-setting.
  • economic regulation to promote environmental sustainability, including energy efficiency and renewable energy.
  • mitigating fuel cost risks and potential for hedging solutions.

The session will be for 90 minutes and will consist of speech and panel discussion.


The key objective of the session is to provide an in-depth understanding of regulatory roles towards energy transition in the Pacific focusing on fundamentals, features, new developments, main drivers and outstanding challenges of energy regulation in the Pacific DMCs.


11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Chris Vehe, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, Solomon Islands

Panel Discussion:

Moderator - Teymoor Nabili, CEO and Publisher at Tech For Impact Asia


  • Lorraine Akiba, Commissioner Emeritus, Hawaii Public Utilities Commission

  • Joel Abraham, CEO of Fijian Competition Consumer Commission, Fiji 

  • Eden R. Uchel, Director, Palau Energy & Water Administration

  • Paul Kaun, Director, Utilities Regulation Authority, Vanuatu 

  • Anna Lobanova, Sustianable Energy Specialist, United Nationals Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific


Lorraine	Akiba

Lorraine Akiba

President/CEO, LHA Ventures

Joel Abraham

Joel Abraham

Chief Executive Officer, Fijian Competition Consumer Commission

Eden R. Uchell

Eden R. Uchel

Director, Palau Energy & Water Administration

Anna Lobanova

Anna Lobanova

Sustianable Energy Specialist, United Nationals Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Teymoor Nabili

Teymoor Nabili

CEO, Tech For Impact


About the Organizer

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. It assists its members and partners by providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and equity investments to promote social and economic development.