Muhammad Ery Wijaya is a Senior Analyst in Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) Indonesia Office where he leads work on the energy sector, particularly to support innovative financing instruments and scaling up finance for renewable energy and energy efficiency. At CPI, Ery’s roles on clean energy portfolios has been central. He has helped Indonesian ministries to develop, the first of its kind assessments, viable business models, and enabling policies for energy efficiency programs. Prior to joining CPI, Ery worked for more than 10 years on the integration of the Indonesian energy and environment sectors, serving as an academician and a consultant. He worked at World Resources Institute as a Climate Policy Consultant gathering intelligence, and identifying analytical and influence opportunities in Indonesia, specifically to address needs related to the formulation of Indonesia’s post-2020 greenhouse gas mitigation pledges and targets to feed into the UNFCCC negotiations. He also worked for UNIDO as a National Expert in Energy Efficiency Project Financing. Ery is currently an expert member of Indonesia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Society (MASKEEI), and an Assistant Professor in the School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP) Indonesia. Ery holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Physics from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, a Master’s Degree in Energy Planning and Policy from King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand and a Ph.D in Energy Economics from Kyoto University, Japan.