ACEF Speaker

Atsumasa Sakai

Senior Energy Specialist,
Asian Development Bank

Mr. Atsumasa Sakai joined ADB in 2016 and has worked on energy sector operation in Asian countries since then. He has been the Project Officer of the technical assistance (TA) on a large-scale CCUS pilot plant FEED study in Shaanxi, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which is supported by the Carbon Capture and Storage Fund under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility, since 2020 (TA9745). He is implementing complicated multi-sector projects in PRC and Mongolia, including the TA on low-carbon rural development models in PRC and the loan on the utility-scale battery energy storage system development in Mongolia. He has earned the master’s degree of Technology and Policy Program from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Before joining ADB, Mr. Sakai had worked for the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria, on hydrogen energy supply system simulation, and for the power utility in Metropolitan Tokyo responsible for power system planning.
