ACEF Speaker 2021

Reihana Mohideen

Principal Advisor at Nossal Institute for Global Health,
University of Melbourne

Dr Reihana Mohideen is an electrical engineer with a strong interest in developing integrated socio-technical approaches to building resilience using low-carbon pathways, based on energy, power infrastructure and health linkages, integrating gender equality and social inclusion (GESI). Reihana is the author of Women and the Energy Revolution (Palgrave. 2020). She was recently appointed as a Principal Advisor at the Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research analyses advanced technology trends in the low-carbon energy transition taking place in developing countries with specific applications to South Asia, as well as the opportunities to simultaneously leapfrog technology and social equity gaps. Her work increasingly straddles the issues of renewable energy and low-carbon initiatives in the health system. She is currently working on a program to strengthen urban resilience, based on integrating infrastructure, energy and health systems, drawing on the emerging lessons from the Covid 19 pandemic response strategies, with a focus on GESI considerations. She completed a BEng degree in electrical engineering at the University of Melbourne (1981), and finished her postdoctoral studies also at the University of Melbourne (2015) in renewable energy systems in Asia, researching the societal and gender implications for newly electrified rural communities in Nepal. She has worked as an international development specialist for more than ten years with strong links to the Asian Development Bank. She is a member of IEEE Australia, the IEEE Society on the Social Implications of Technology, the IEEE Power and Energy Society and is an Executive Committee member of IEEE Standards Association on Digital Inclusion (DIITA), where she heads up the sub-stream on gender equality and social inclusion. She is also the Australian national expert for the International Energy Agency ‘Gender and Energy’ technology collaboration program.


  • Opening Plenary: Clean Energy for Green Recovery and Carbon Neutrality