Track 1: Innovations in Energy Efficiency
Session 1: Energy Efficiency in the Post-COP21 World: Meeting the Challenge
Through the Addis Ababa agreement, the release of the Sustainable Development Goals and the broad consensus that was achieved at COP21, 2015 saw the realization of a new and far-reaching political commitment to the global uptake of energy efficiency. But what are the implementation structures that will now take this forward? This session introduces the energy efficiency track with some international perspectives and some reports on activity in the key Asian economies of India and the People’s Republic of China.
Session 5: National Energy Efficiency Standards and Regulation: Building the Enabling and Supporting Environment
Minimum standards for energy-using equipment and buildings have proved themselves time and again to be effective steps towards making country electricity markets more energy efficient. This session showcases examples of approaches for introducing improved efficiency standards across the key impact areas of lighting, appliances and equipment, industry, and buildings.
Session 9: Cities as Key Decision Makers in Energy Efficiency: What it Takes
With rapidly increasing urbanization across Asia and globally, cities have emerged as key players who can make decisions to invest more and realize the gains from energy efficiency. To date, much of the emphasis in terms of technical assistance has been placed at the national level; however, now municipal and sub-national governments also need to access finance and technical support. This session showcases some examples of cities that are taking action, and considers how municipalities can be empowered to go further and to share their successes.
Session 13: Data for Energy Efficiency: Realizing the Promise of Smart Grid and M&V Information Technologies
Increasing implementation of energy efficiency means talking a language that financiers can understand. It also requires closer attention to measurement and monitoring of the likely impacts of investments. The session will examine some of the technology advancements that can improve both site-specific and utility-wide energy use and points to the ongoing importance of consistent monitoring and verification techniques.
Session 17: New Models for Investing in Energy Efficiency Projects and Businesses
Finance remains a key missing link in relation to scaled-up implementation of energy efficiency. Speakers in this session will present a range of different models that are being successfully deployed and that may be replicated to catalyze investment in energy efficiency projects and businesses.
Session 21: Bridging the EE Perception Gap
In order for greater investments in energy efficiency to occur, it is well accepted that partnerships will be required; governments cannot implement projects without the technology and expertise of the private sector, while companies and financiers rely on supportive policy frameworks. In order for fruitful collaborations and partnerships to emerge, it is important to understand the different perceptions that project proponents may have, and to ensure that projects are both socially and commercially attractive. Speakers in this session will examine the different roles played by each actor in successful projects, and how they have encouraged a better common understanding of the energy efficiency imperative.