Track 2: Innovations in Renewable Energy
Session 2: Outlook for Renewable Energy Development in Asia: Regional and Country and Perspectives
Asia is at a crossroads in how it will meet its growing energy demand. With the adoption of the Paris Agreement, what could be the emerging opportunities for low-carbon strategies, specifically renewable energy sources in Asia? This session will address the outlook for renewable energy development at both regional and country levels.
Session 6: Scaling up Renewable Energy Deployment: From Grid Integration to Energy Planning
With the rapid increase of variable renewable energy sources in a power system, it would be more cost-effective from a long-term perspective to address the grid integration challenges if a holistic approach could be applied in the energy planning process. This session will bring country and regional experiences on grid integration under the spotlight. Speakers will discuss different approaches to improve energy planning in the future.
Session 10: Renewable Energy Costs: Implications for Policy and Project Development
Costs have been falling, sometimes dramatically, for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, and onshore and offshore wind power. There remains significant cost reduction potential in the future, and this will have important implications for policy makers and project developers. Speakers in this session will present renewable energy technology cost reduction studies, and share their insights on likely future cost reduction trends.
Session 14: Innovations: Technology, Policy, and Financing Schemes
The global transition towards a renewable energy power sector is well underway. To facilitate this transition, innovative technologies, business models, and policy and financing schemes must be embraced in the scheme of energy governance. This session will provide a platform to discuss a variety of innovations in technologies, policy design, and business models.
Session 18: Innovative Business Models: Value Creation from Renewable Energy and Enabling Technologies
How can innovative technologies match market needs? And what value can be created from renewable energy and enabling technologies, such as energy storage? These are important questions to both policy makers, regulators, and project developers. Speakers in this session will share their ideas and experience with innovative business models that have demonstrated the value that renewable energy and enabling technologies can create in different contexts.
Session 22: Renewable Energy in the Transport Sector
Currently, 95% of transport fuel is oil-based, contributing to about one quarter of the global CO2 emissions. What is the role that renewable energy could and should play in de-carbonizing the transport sector? Speakers in this session will share innovative approaches and outlooks of renewable energy development in the transport sector.