
The future of energy is female. The global energy transition is not only an opportunity to change the energy sector, but to also expand economic opportunities for women. Globally, women represent 32% of the renewable energy workforce, compared to 22% in the oil and gas industry. With the significant growth of renewable energy in the energy sector, women are gaining ground: as entrepreneurs, researchers, workers, investors, policy makers and industry leaders. While countries in the region grapple with COVID-19, green and inclusive recovery is a priority, and clean energy demand continues to rise.

Over the last decade, there have been important initiatives in the Asia and the Pacific region with the aim of improving access to finance to support women’s engagement in the sector. The session will discuss initiatives that are supporting women overcome the structural barriers in the sector. Support to energy entrepreneurs and to participate in the off-grid renewables value chain, as distributors, or in productive use of energy will also be discussed.

Speakers will share experiences in integrating gender into energy policies, promoting female employment and careers, confronting barriers to the advancement for women, and expanding women’s entrepreneurship in the renewable energy sector. The panel will also discuss the critical relevance of gender to the energy sector, the relationship between gender and energy consumption and adoption of technology in the future, and the exciting potential it offers for innovative and gender-inclusive climate finance.


  • To present an assessment of the potential opportunities for women in renewable energy
  • To identify areas that require attention from policy makers, governments and other key stakeholders to support women’s participation in renewable energy
  • To share areas of good practice in supporting women’s energy entrepreneurship
  • To learn about the gender and new energy technologies nexus that can be used to inform future investments in renewable energy including ADB’s forward pipeline

Point of Contact

Zonibel Woods, ADB