#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by #energyforall

May 15th, 2015 News

ACEF 2015 Deep Dive Workshops – Register Today

Hybrid Renewable Minigrids: This Deep Dive Workshop will explore the potential for combining renewable power with diesel generators in hybrid renewable minigrids, a relatively new solution that can be scaled down to the smallest communities and serve multi-megawatt diesel utilities that want to reduce their operating costs. The workshop will be held on Monday June 15, 9:00-12:30 at ADB HQ, Manila. For more information, and to register for this DDW, please contact Alfredo Bano Leal at abanoleal.consultant@adb.org. This event is run by #energyforall South Asia Energy Division and Energy for All Initiative, ADB, see more here https://asiacleanenergyforum.adb.org/agenda/pre-forum-events/deep-dive-workshops/hybrid-renewable-minigrids/