ACEF 2015 Registration Closes 7 June 2015

June 4th, 2015 News

Dear Clean Energy Colleagues

Registration for ACEF 2015 will be closing on Friday 7 June, 2015. Please register and indicate also whether you will be joining one of the Deep Dive Workshops on Monday and Tuesday. We look forward to seeing you in the week of 15 to 19 June, 2015, at ADB HQ, Manila.

#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by #USAID

May 19th, 2015 News

#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by #USAID, #giz_gmbh, #NREL, #Clean_Energy_SC
Deep Dive Workshop on RE Grid Integration run by USAID, GIZ, U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Clean Energy Solutions Center

The rapid growth of renewable energies in Asia, especially solar and wind power, increases the challenges of incorporating variable renewable energy generation into power systems throughout the region.

#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by #TUVSUD

May 15th, 2015 News

Small Steps, Big Impacts: Harnessing Energy Efficiency in your Daily Business. The main target of the TÜV SÜD DDW is to facilitate discussions as well as sharing of best practices on how to incorporate energy efficient efforts into your daily business activities.

#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by #energia_org #cookstoves #energyforall

May 15th, 2015 News

Unlocking Energy Access Impact, Investment, Scale and Sustainability through Gender-Sensitive Approaches. The objective of this DDW is to lay out concrete evidence on the central role that gender issues play in achieving energy access goals. This will be done through discussions, presentations and interactive session covering two tracks; Energy access, women and economic empowerment; Developing, investing in, and monitoring gender-informed business models.

#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by #PFANAsia

May 15th, 2015 News

Financing Transportation Solutions for Asia: High economic growth, crowded cities, clogged roads, and lifestyle aspirations of an increasingly affluent population have all contributed to increasing pollution and traffic jams. PFAN-Asia will showcase investment opportunities in clean transportation.

Keynote speakers #ACEF2015

May 15th, 2015 News

Dear Clean Energy Colleagues
#ACEF2015 is proud to announce Dr. Bindu N. Lohani, Vice-President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development will speak at ACEF this year. Dr. Lohani has served as Director General of the Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSDD) and Special Advisor to the President on Clean Energy, Climate Change and Environment.

#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by #energyforall

May 15th, 2015 News

ACEF 2015 Deep Dive Workshops – Register Today

Hybrid Renewable Minigrids: This Deep Dive Workshop will explore the potential for combining renewable power with diesel generators in hybrid renewable minigrids, a relatively new solution that can be scaled down to the smallest communities and serve multi-megawatt diesel utilities that want to reduce their operating costs.

#ACEF2015 KeyNote Speaker Announcement

May 15th, 2015 News

Dear Clean Energy Colleagues
#ACEF2015 is proud to announce Yvo de Boer will speak at the Opening Plenary on Wednesday, 17 June. Yvo De Boer is Director-General of the the Global Green Growth Institute, a Seoul-based international organization dedicated to strong, inclusive and sustainable growth.

Dear Clean Energy Colleagues

May 15th, 2015 News

Just to flag that today you can still register at the early bird rate for ACEF 2015. From next week, the fee for the forum will go up. Book early and enjoy the discounted rate.

Prof Ralph Sims: #ACEF 2015 Keynote Speake

May 14th, 2015 News

ACEF 2015 Deep Dive Workshops will be held pre-forum on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16, June. The workshops are half day or full day events and give participants the opportunity to debate and exchange information in small groups on a wide range of issues. There are 8 workshops to choose from this year, please contact for more details. Agendas for the DDW are being finalized and will be shared on the website for pre-registration. Please choose from the DDW topics below.

ACEF 2015 Deep Dive Workshops

ACEF 2015 Deep Dive Workshops

April 17th, 2015 News

ACEF 2015 Deep Dive Workshops will be held pre-forum on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16, June. The workshops are half day or full day events and give participants the opportunity to debate and exchange information in small groups on a wide range of issues. There are 8 workshops to choose from this year, please contact for more details. Agendas for the DDW are being finalized and will be shared on the website for pre-registration. Please choose from the DDW topics below.