#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by #USAID

May 19th, 2015 News

#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by #USAID, #giz_gmbh, #NREL, #Clean_Energy_SC
Deep Dive Workshop on RE Grid Integration run by USAID, GIZ, U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Clean Energy Solutions Center

The rapid growth of renewable energies in Asia, especially solar and wind power, increases the challenges of incorporating variable renewable energy generation into power systems throughout the region. The USAID-GIZ-Clean Energy Ministerial deep dive workshop will foster exchange of experiences among Asian countries to address these challenges and identity policy mechanisms and tools, such as the Grid Integration Toolkit, to support the grid integration of renewables in Asia. Listen to high level speakers, including ASEAN Perspective on vRE grid integration; Dr Sanjayan Velautham (ASEAN Center for Energy); Challenges and key aspects of grid integration of vRE Jaquelin Cochran (National Renewable Energy Laboratory); Transformation of energy systems for high shares of vRE; Christoph Menke (Joint Graduate School of Energy & Environment, Bangkok).