Special Topics for Spotlight and Regional Sessions

March 30th, 2021

Aside from the Track Sessions, ACEF 2021 also featured Spotlight Sessions and Special Sessions on Regional Topics.

Spotlight Sessions were sessions covering innovative ideas and approaches in clean energy.
Special Sessions on Regional Topics were sessions organized by ADB’s Regional Departments.

Track 2. COVID-19 Impacts: Rebounding from COVID-19 with Integrated Solutions

March 30th, 2021

Track 2 considered medium-term issues faced by ADB’s DMCs. The pandemic disruption has provided a window of opportunity to reset energy sector priorities and to rethink technology, finance, and policy in light of cross-sectoral issues and needs. While technological innovations and markets have to be assessed under the new normal scenario, new priorities must consider the urgency of accelerating the transition to a low-carbon energy system.

Track 1. NDC Roadmaps: Tracing Future Paths with Technology Roadmaps for Countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

March 30th, 2021

Track 1 considered long-term issues faced by ADB’s DMCs. The ability to balance economic growth, poverty reduction, and tackle climate change—known as the Energy Trilemma—will require innovative technologies and business models. To better equip the DMCs in achieving their NDC targets, the Track has explored issues and strategies for confronting the energy transition.