ACEF Speaker

Ellen Bomasang

Principal, Global Equity, Diversity & Inclusion,
Abt Associates

Ellen Bomasang is a global development professional whose focus has been clean energy, climate, and inclusive growth across Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East for 25+ years. She has led global teams in the delivery of professional services and is a recognized thought leader in renewable energy and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI). She has led GESI interventions around the themes of women’s and girls’ leadership, male allyship, women’s economic empowerment, gender-based violence prevention and response in energy projects and building diverse and respectful workplaces. At Abt Associates, she helps center equity principles and practices within Abt's operations and across its international and domestic portfolios. She provides GESI advisory support to the ongoing USAID Mongolia Energy Governance Activity and USAID Power Africa Health Electrification and Telecommunication Alliance. Prior to joining Abt, she served as GESI Advisor on multiple USAID energy programs in Africa and Asia.


  • Session 1.1: Women in the Energy Work Force and Leadership Roles