ACEF Speaker
Maraida Licerio
Senior Advisor and National Coordinator,
Maraida Licerio has more than 15 years of experience in greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) from facility-level inventories to project-level mitigation actions including third-party audits of facilities and projects implementing MRV systems for climate action. She is currently the senior advisor on climate change mitigation of GIZ Philippines and ad hoc focal for the coordination of initiatives on carbon market mechanisms. She is primarily the national coordinator of projects implemented by the global cooling program, GIZ Proklima, the bilateral implementing agency of the German government to the Montreal Protocol, promoting an integrated ozone and climate protection approach. She is also a qualified GHG verifier for Bureau Veritas SA.
- Spotlight Session: Enhancing Efficiency Standards and Labelling for Appliances in Asia-Pacific