Week at a Glance
Thematic Track 1: Tripling Renewable Energy Capacity by 2030 | Deep Dive Workshop |
Thematic Track 2: Doubling Progress in Energy Efficiency by 2030 | Plenary |
Thematic Track 3: Delivering Electricity Transmission and Distribution for the Future | Spotlight Session |
Thematic Track 4: Financing New and Innovative Clean Energy Solutions in Hard-to-Abate Sectors | Regional Session |
Energy Finance Day | Pre-Forum Event |
ADB = Asian Development Bank, ACE = ASEAN Center for Energy, ADBI = ADB Institute, CLASP = Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program, ESMAP = Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, GPCC = German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency, IEA = International Energy Agency, ISA = International Solar Alliance, KEA = Korea Energy Agency, SEforAll = Sustainable Energy for All, UNESCAP = United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, UNIDO = United Nations Industrial Development Organization, USAID = United States Agency for International Development