
ACEF 2015: The Final Day

Dear Clean Energy Colleagues, ACEF 2015 has officially come to a close. See you here next year!

ACEF 2015 Steering Committee

Read the final Day Digest at:

Dear Clean Energy Colleagues

The Knowledge Networking Event will be held today, Thursday, from 2:00 to 3:30pm at the Main Auditorium (A,B,C,D). A line up of 26 topics is available here.

ACEF Smart phone/tablet App

ACEF Smart phone/tablet App

We are pleased to officially announce that ACEF is featuring a Smart phone/tablet App that will allow all participants to stay updated throughout the week and connect with others in the ACEF community right from a mobile device. All ACEF participants can download this Smart phone/tablet App for free.

ACEF 2015 Registration Closes 7 June 2015

June 4th, 2015 News

Dear Clean Energy Colleagues

Registration for ACEF 2015 will be closing on Friday 7 June, 2015. Please register and indicate also whether you will be joining one of the Deep Dive Workshops on Monday and Tuesday. We look forward to seeing you in the week of 15 to 19 June, 2015, at ADB HQ, Manila.

Register today for the 8th Asia Solar Energy Forum ‪#‎ACEF2015‬

The Asia Solar Energy Forum aims to bridge the information gap between suppliers and developers in the public and private sectors, support the growth of local solar energy competence in the developing countries of Asia and the Pacific, while addressing the barriers to trade in solar and smart grid applications.

#‎ACEF2015‬ is proud to announce HE Maria van der Hoeven, will be a keynote speaker at the Forum.

#‎ACEF2015‬ is proud to announce HE Maria van der Hoeven #VanderHoeven_M Executive Director, International Energy Agency #IEA, will be a keynote speaker at the Forum. Maria van der Hoeven took over as Executive Director of the IEA on 1 September 2011 and has led the Agency during a period of exceptional change in the global energy economy, as rapidly shifting supply/demand balances for oil and other major fuels transform the IEA’s traditional mandate.

#ACEF2015 Deep Dive Workshop run by KEMCO: ESS, BEMS and EE Financing

KEMCO (Korea Energy Management Corporation) will hold a Deep Dive Workshop in the field of energy efficiency at #ACEF 2015. This workshop will focus on Energy Storage Systems (ESS), Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS), and Energy Efficiency Financing, investigating the current status and future development direction for emerging energy efficiency technologies based on ICT.

Knowledge Networking ‪#‎ACEF2015

Sign up today and share your innovative products, solutions and ideas

This year, #ACEF2015 will have a new type of session we are calling Knowledge Networking, in which ACEF participants will make quick presentations on innovative ideas, projects and initiatives.