Deep Dive Workshop: How Corporate Demand for Renewable Energy Can Support Renewable Energy Markets in Asia
Monday June 6, 2:00PM - 5:30PM
Organizers: World Resources Institute (WRI)
Contact: Alex Perera
This deep dive workshop is an opportunity to explore how corporate demand for renewable energy and their collective buyer power can be leveraged to help build markets for renewable energy in ASEAN countries and bring benefits to other customer classes.
As leading corporations (some of the largest electricity consumers) around the world have embraced the business case for renewable energy and ambitious climate action, they’ve found themselves facing high transaction costs when sourcing RE. At the same time, RE project developers are having difficulty securing low cost financing and need good credit off-takers for their power. WRI has worked since the early 2000’s through corporate buying groups to support efforts to build renewable energy markets and finance RE projects. With partners, in 2016, this work is coalescing into a global Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance
In the United States and India, this partnership provides a range of market making services, from support on power purchase contracts and a marketplace for companies to meet project developers to direct utility collaboration and regulatory and policy guidance. In 2015, this partnership led to over 3 GW of corporate supported renewable energy contracts in the US and over 200 MW of contracts are being negotiated in India. There is interest in expanding this work to China, Indonesia, and other ASEAN markets.
WRI is conducting a deep dive workshop to explore the feasibility, challenges, and opportunities of establishing this partnership across more Asian countries, with a focus on India, Vietnam, Indonesia and China. This deep dive will explore which issues the partnerships should address and how approaches can be developed to create system benefits beyond the corporate purchasers.
All participants signing up to Deep Dive Workshop events must be registered at ACEF 2016. Please select the events on June 6 and June 7 you wish to attend and for more details on each event, please contact the organizers direct.