Description: The short-term changes to business operations caused by COVID-19 have gotten people thinking about other changes in the way they will do business going forward. In the areas of energy and environment, this is especially so. The panelists described the direct impacts of COVID-19 in their businesses and shared their thoughts on wider trends and impacts for the medium term.
Moderator: Christine Chan, Senior Investment Specialist PSIF-2, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Post-COVID-19 Stimulus – Green or Grey?
Scene-Setter Talk: Antonio Della Pelle, McKinsey
COVID-19 has transformed the world and could be the most abrupt shock to the global economy in post-war history. After immediate “Relief” and a “Re-start” of the economy, governments will likely initiate a “Recover" phase, to stimulate economic activity. The post-crisis recovery is a moment of ‘use it or lose it’ for the climate agenda –a 'green' stimulus could accelerate net-zero delivery, whereas a 'grey' stimulus will make net-zero harder to achieve. There does not have to be a trade-off between positive economic impact and decarbonization - 'green' stimulus measures in general compare well with classic ‘grey’ measures in terms of socio-economic impact (e.g., job creation, benefitting most impacted subgroups). Initiatives need to be selected that deliver jobs in the short, medium and long term, preferably in industries that will thrive in the future. Measures also need to be efficient from a decarbonization perspective and reflect the best pathways to net-zero in the relevant sector.
Finally, the financing also needs to be carefully designed to deliver the right balances of fiscal pulls and regulatory pushes to make change happen.
Shared Electric Vehicles for All, Globally, Now!
Presenter: Rajarshi Rakesh Sahai, Chief Business Officer, Adaptive City Mobility GMBH
Post-Covid Commercial Real Estate Building Monitoring and HVAC Control Trends
Presenter: Mehmet Yigitcan Yesilata, Co-Founder / Chief Scientific Officer Sensgreen
While the world is going to normal after COVID-19, there will be needed state of the art building management solutions along with new regulations to reduce upcoming risks and make our built environment healthier. Potential IoT/AI based applications expected to set new standards in the new era will be analyzed during the presentation.
Medical Infectious Waste Changes
Presenter: Khalid Bahsoon, Managing Director, ECONAS Sdn Bhd
Presented the various types of technologies for infectious medical waste treatment, considerations, and assessment.
- Kate Hughes, Climate Finance Specialist, Asian Development Bank
- Shridhar Pandey, Director, Elecorev Energy
- We are looking for digital solutions to better manage waste, reverse the supply chain, increase recycling, increase collection, reduce open dumping, reduce materials to landfills, and track waste through the many hands through which it passes. Waste traceability is extremely important and relevant nowadays. Through ADB’s Innovation Challenge, grants of up to US$10,000 are available to pilot your solution, along with a chance to potentially create more resilient communities!
- How can we use digital technologies to inspire people to sort, recycle, upcycle, reuse, and innovate to reduce the waste sent to its final disposal? If you have digital solutions to this challenge, join the @ADB_HQ and @aim-edu #DigitalAgainstCOVID-19 hackathon. Turn your vision into reality. You can win US$10,000 for pilot testing if your solution is selected. Submit by July 6. #ADBHackathon