Spotlight Session
Energy Systems for Climate Resilience: Strategic and Technical Solutions
Organized by: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Thursday, 6 June 2024
9:00 - 10:30 a.m. (GMT +8) | Multi-Function Hall 3
Countries in Asia and the Pacific region are experiencing adverse impacts of climate extremes, including increasing incidence of extreme heat, droughts, heavy rains, and rising sea levels. These impacts are already affecting the performance of energy infrastructure and the services they provide to businesses and communities. This means that energy systems built over the next decades will operate under very different climate conditions to today, and decisions made today to invest in energy systems can either lock-in development patterns for decades or steer development in resilient directions. In other words, climate change will fundamentally alter the context in which energy systems are planned, financed, designed, implemented, and operated, and these impacts are to be further exacerbated in the future due to increasing interconnectivity of our investment operations.
Rapidly changing climate change landscape is making asset-focused approaches through conventional climate proofing measures no longer sufficient. Robust understanding of multi-hazard and unprecedent climate risks will be a starting line for investment decisions for energy systems, which is critical for strengthening societal resilience, especially in terms of lives, health, and livelihood of the poor and vulnerable.
9:00 - 9:05 a.m.
Opening Remarks
Toru Kubo, Senior Director, Climate Change, Resilience, and Environment, ADB
9:05 - 9:10 a.m.
Icebreaking Warm-up Activities
9:10 - 9:20 a.m.
Scene Setting Presentation
Arghya Sinha Roy, Principal Climate Change Specialist, ADB
9:20 - 10:10 a.m.
Panel Presentation:
Moderator: Okju Jeong, Climate Change Specialist, ADB
Moderator: Arghya Sinha Roy, Principal Climate Change Specialist, ADB
Renewable Energy for Climate Resilience in Bhutan
Sonam Zam, Project officer, Bhutan Resident Mission, ADB
Climate Resilience for Energy Transition
Jinsun Lim, Energy and Environment Policy Analyst, International Energy Agency
The Intersectionality of Environmental Resilience and Decarbonized Energy Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
Kelly Hewitt, Principal Energy Specialist, ADB
Disaster Resilient Power Systems in the Pacific
Belinda Hewitt, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist, ADB
Energy Investments as Adaptation Solutions: A Case Study of Selected National Adaptation Plans
David Von Hippel, Climate Resilient Energy System Expert
10:10 - 10:30 a.m.
Interactive Q&A session with panel members and participants
10:30 a.m.
Closing Remarks
Okju Jeong, Climate Change Specialist, ADB