Deep Dive Workshop

Catalyzing Clean Energy Transition through Carbon Markets

Organized by: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

2:00 - 5:30 p.m. (GMT +8) | Multi-Function Hall 3

There is a growing momentum for using carbon markets as a part of the broader climate policy architecture to accomplish national target as articulated under the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and raising ambition over time. Carbon markets can mobilize much needed financial resources required to incentivize investments in low carbon technologies and foster energy transition and decarbonization.

Asia and the Pacific has vast experience, expertise and expectations for mobilizing carbon finance to pursue a low carbon growth trajectory. The region has an opportunity to build on its wealth of experience and expertise in operationalizing international carbon markets under the Kyoto Protocol and the Joint Crediting Mechanism to catalyse clean energy transition through carbon markets under the Paris Agreement.

This calls for countries to develop holistic strategies aligned with their national circumstances and priorities on how carbon markets can contribute to the broader development agenda. Alongside, this needs to go hand in hand with broader discussions among both public and private sector stakeholders on how carbon finance can be catalysed as a source of finance to accelerate decarbonization efforts.

This deep-dive workshop being organized by the Asian Development Bank will have two sections of 1.5 hours each.

National Strategies for International Carbon Markets. The first session will lay the landscape of evolving carbon market opportunities across the compliance and voluntary market. It will then share insights on tangible steps countries can take to develop holistic national strategies to engage with the broad landscape of international carbon markets under the Paris Agreement.

Mobilizing Carbon Finance to Accelerate Decarbonization. The second session will delve into how carbon finance can be catalysed as a source of finance and be incorporated into project design and pipeline development to accelerate decarbonization efforts. It will build on ADB’s longstanding engagement with mobilizing carbon finance and offer insights on how carbon finance opportunities can be maximized.


2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Opening Remarks

Bruno Carrasco, Director General, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Department (CCSD)

Session 1: National Strategies for International Carbon Markets

Panel Discussion (50 Minutes)


Cleo Kawawaki, Head, Office of Markets Development and Public-Private Partnership (OMDP), ADB


Albert Magalang, Chief Environmental Management Specialist, Climate Change Service at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines [Recorded Speech]

Hayato Nakamura, Programme Manager, Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership Center

Sandra Lindström, Head of International Cooperation, Swedish Energy Agency

Virender Kumar Duggal, Principal Climate Change Specialist, CCRE, ADB

Question & Answer (25 minutes)

Session Wrap (5 minutes)

3:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Coffee Break

4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

Session 2: Mobilizing Carbon Finance to Accelerate Decarbonization

Panel Discussion (50 Minutes)

Panel Moderator: Toru Kubo, Senior Director, Climate Change, Resilience, and Environment, ADB


Nadia Rehman, Member, Food Security & Climate Change at the Planning Commission of Pakistan [Recorded Speech]

Sandra Lindström, Head of International Cooperation, Swedish Energy Agency

Karma Tshewang, Chief Engineer, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Bhutan

Architrandi Priambodo, Senior Energy Specialist, ADB

Question & Answer (35 minutes)

Session Wrap (5 minutes)


Bruno Carrasco

Bruno Carrasco

Director General, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Department (CCSD)

Hayato Nakamura

Hayato Nakamura

Programme Manager, Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership Center

Sandra Lindström

Sandra Lindström

Head of International Cooperation, Swedish Energy Agency

Karma Tshewang

Karma Tshewang

Chief Engineer, Department of Energy

Albert Magalang

Albert Magalang

Chief Environmental Management Specialist, Climate Change Service at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines

Karma Tshewang

Architrandi Priambodo

Senior Energy Specialist, Asian Development Bank

Virender Kumar Duggal

Virender Kumar Duggal

Principal Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank

Toru Kubo

Toru Kubo

Senior Director, Climate Change, Resilience, and Environment, ADB

Nadia Rehman

Nadia Rehman

Food Security & Climate Change, The Planning Commission of Pakistan