Donors and Partners
The organizations that make Asia Clean Energy Forum possible

U.S. Agency for International Development
USAID’s mission is to end poverty and advance human prosperity and security. Our climate work safeguards this mission and puts countries on a path to pursue clean energy growth and resilient, low-carbon development. USAID shares world-class climate knowledge, data, and tools with the aim to ensure that countries can predict, prepare for and adapt to change. USAID also helps countries lay the foundations for sustainable growth powered by clean energy and healthy landscapes.

Korea Energy Agency
Since its establishment in 1980, Korea Energy Agency has been a maestro of efficient and rational energy use in Korea, as a silent guardian of Korea's sound economic development and better quality of life.
KEA has been at the center of laying the foundation for a low energy consumption society and efficient energy using culture, from energy audit services that identify energy saving potential in energy intensive business sites, to ICT based optimization of energy use patterns in industrial and buildings sector.