Welcome to ACEF 2018: Harnessing Innovation to Power the Future

We are pleased to announce that the Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) 2018 will be held at the Headquarters of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila during the week of 4-8 June 2018. ACEF is one of the leading clean energy events in the Asia region, and it focuses on bringing together practitioners and implementers to identify, discuss and address the key clean energy challenges we face in the region. ACEF is jointly organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Korea Energy Agency (KEA).

Since 2006, ACEF has been bringing together a diverse mix of project developers, financial institutions and investors, non-profits, entrepreneurs, government officials, donors and program managers, and civil society and academia, to exchange experiences and engage in spirited discussions centered around how we can accelerate progress to build a clean energy future for Asia. This past June, ACEF brought together over 1,400 people from 71 countries across Asia and other parts of the world to share their experiences in addressing a wide range of issues facing the clean energy sector. We purposely reach out to practitioners from other continents, because we have found that many of the most interesting discussions and outcomes result from South-to-South, North-to-South, and South-to-North discussions and exchanges that occur at the Forum, and continue afterwards.

Each year at ACEF, we actively seek partnerships with organizations and companies that wish to make valuable contributions to next year's Forum and the ACEF community. Such contributions can include technical content, cross-marketing of events or initiatives, development of ideas for technical sessions and Deep Dive Workshops, and donor or corporate support and sponsorships. Please contact us at cleanenergy@adb.org for further inquiries.

We look forward to seeing you this year at ACEF 2018!