Session 12: Tools and Products to Take Us to the Future:

May 8th, 2018

It will require creativity and robust foresight to addressing immediate energy sector needs while also planning for future needs in an ever-evolving social and technical landscape. The latest technologies in electricity generation, assessment and planning tools such as GIS mapping and Big Data as well as the digitalization of many existing technologies can meet this challenge.

Session 8: From Asset Ownership to the Shared Economy

May 8th, 2018

According to market researchers, by 2025 the majority of energy companies in the world will not own ANY infrastructure and/or generation assets. We are moving away from the era where large (traditional) corporate and/or government balance sheets are required to fund cross-industry innovation.

Session 4: Disrupt or Be Disrupted – Digital Darwinism and Its Impact on Energy Systems

May 8th, 2018

During this session, industry leaders, visionaries and experts will present their ideas and experience in the context of a transformational trend called “Digital Darwinism.” Digital Darwinism is defined as the societal and technology adoption that is evolving (often leap frogging) much faster than the business, regulation/policy ecosystem.

Session 15: Transformative Technology Solutions for Energy Access

May 8th, 2018

This session will showcase how innovative technologies have been employed to improve energy access. The presentations in this session will highlight the major issues regarding energy access and the potential application of innovative technologies to address these challenges.

Session 11: Meeting the Challenges and Barriers of Energy Access

May 8th, 2018

The presentations in this session will feature project examples highlighting a range of specific challenges and barriers (spanning policy, regulation, technology, and finance) that affect the implementation of energy access initiatives. The presenters will explore how these barriers have been addressed to enable projects to succeed in providing affordable energy access in a sustainable manner.

Session 7: Innovative Solutions for Clean Cooking and Heating

May 8th, 2018

Breakthroughs across the supply chain of the clean cooking and heating sector have been emerging independently across the Asia- Pacific region. The presentations in this session will highlight and analyze proven commercial solutions, and will deconstruct how they can be adapted or replicated across developing Asia.

Session 3: Energy Access for Urban Poor

May 8th, 2018

The session will highlight the energy situation (including cooking and electricity) in urban and peri-urban areas. The presentations in this session will address the key issues and many challenges faced by households and service providers in urban areas who are trying to achieve access to safer, cleaner and legal sources of energy.

Session 14: Sustainable Urban Energy Solutions: The Role of Renewables

May 8th, 2018

With the projected urbanization of Asia over the next three decades, the energy systems in these growing cities need to be transformed, in order to avoild locking the urban energy infrastructure into a carbon intensive scenario for many decades. Without changes to how urban environments provide services, energy use in these areas will experience massive growth, along with global emissions of greenhouse gases and local air pollution.

Session 6: Business Model Innovation: Learning from Examples

May 8th, 2018

In some cases, business model innovation can be the key to catalyzing the growth of new technologies in the marketplace, especially when competition is increasing. For instance, leasing schemes have enabled the explosive growth in the rooftop PV market.

Session 2: Government Policy and Regulatory Design: Perspectives from Different Stakeholders

May 8th, 2018

With the increased cost-competitiveness of renewable energy and widespread recognition of its benefits, the economic case for renewable energy, especially electrical power generation is now firmly established. But successful scale-up depends on how governments use policy and regulatory frameworks to reduce financing costs, reset the rules in the marketplace, and encourage investment from the private sector.

Session 13: Electrification of the Transport Sector

May 8th, 2018

A clean, efficient, and effective transport system is critical to economic growth and to the health and welfare of inhabitants of fast- growing urban areas. Following the Paris Climate Agreement in December 2015, a long-term political signal was sent to decarbonize the transport sector.