Session 2.4: Air Quality Improvement Program in the Greater Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

February 20th, 2020

Potential topics in this session could include:

Tailored financial services to support green and sustainable development
Rural waste-to-energy: biochar-based compound fertilizer for green agriculture and poverty reduction
Switch from coal to clean energy in rural households: benefits for air quality
Air pollutant reduction from the iron and steel Industry in Hebei Province
Energy efficiency improvement and potential in the cooling sector: a case study from Zhejiang Province

Session 2.3: Renewable Energy Services for Livelihoods

February 20th, 2020

Potential topics in this session could include:

Regenerative ocean biomass energy
Pico- and micro-hydropower for high-value agriculture
Experience with hydro, solar, and wind for sustainable village development
Beneficial use of geothermal waste heat for community livelihood support
Refrigeration/cold chain services for expanding access to fisheries industries

Session 2.2: Solar Energy—It’s Not Just Electricity

February 20th, 2020

Potential topics in this session could include:

Climate-smart agriculture using water from solar powered desalination
Concentrating solar thermal systems for industrial applications
Solar + hydrogen for 24/7 electricity services
Solar irrigation and solar ice production
ADB’s floating solar experience and portfolio
Solar energy applications in the health sector

Session 2.1: Economy-wide Energy Evolution

February 20th, 2020

This session will bring together regional experts and innovators, along with officials from ADB’s DMCs, to present recent experience developing sustainable energy with value additions from multiple sectors. Presentations can include case studies from education, policy, legal, and regulatory spheres to support the shift from an inefficient, linear extractive economy to a more efficient, cleaner, and inherently sustainable circular economy.

Session 1.3: Technology Roadmaps for Key Technologies: Approaches and Findings

February 20th, 2020

This session will include discussion of the technology developments in renewables and energy efficiency, electrification, and other sectors, and approaches for setting more ambitious target in energy roadmaps with regulatory changes needed for the NDCs. Speakers will include international practitioners, ADB professionals, and officials from ADB’s developing member countries (DMCs).

Potential topics in this session could include:

Challenges and solutions for higher penetration of renewable energy into existing power grids (focused on government agencies and grid companies in ADB’s DMCs)
Synergies between the power sector and electrification of other sectors, such as heat and transport.

Session 1.2: Rural Clean Energy: A Crucial Solution for NDCs

February 20th, 2020

Potential topics in this session could include:

Innovative micro- and mini grids with renewables in remote areas, as a strategy to reduce emissions from
conventional diesel mini-grids[Philippine, Indonesia, etc.]
Community-based (and community-owned) energy systems and business models
Analysis of the socio-economic impacts of rural energy
Rural clean heating, gas distribution, and other applications and end uses and applications

Session 1.1: Overview of NDC Implementation in Context of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific

February 20th, 2020

Potential topics in this session could include:

Implementation status of NDC in the context of climate change and an update on NDCs in Asia and the Pacific
NDC-related progress and country perspectives on NDC goals (country level or ecosystem/river level)
NDC related progress and city perspectives on NDC goals (city level or river level)
How to update and Implement NDC Targets in 2020

Session 5.4: Renewable Heating, Cooling, and Storage

May 22nd, 2019

Nearly half of global final energy consumption is used for heating and cooling applications, including industrial processes. This offers a huge opportunity to tap renewable energy for heating and cooling households and industries. Similarly, there is a need to leverage energy storage technologies beyond just batteries for electric vehicles.

Session 5.2: Ocean Energy in the 21st Century

May 22nd, 2019

While oceans have proved to be a promising source of clean energy, they have not gained popularity or become a mainstream source of renewable energy, as have wind and solar. The session provided an overview on developments in commercializing ocean energy generation and related end-uses, such as offshore wind, marine floating solar, ocean biomass, in-stream tidal conversion, and cleaner marine propulsion.