Track 2: Innovations in Renewable Energy

April 11th, 2016

Session 2
Outlook for Renewable Energy Development in Asia: Regional and Country and Perspectives
Wednesday 2:00pm-3:30pm

Outlook for Wind Energy Development in ASEAN
Renewables 2016 Global Status Report
Roadmap for a Renewable Energy Future

Track 1: Innovations in Energy Efficiency

April 11th, 2016

Session 17
New Models for Investing in Energy Efficiency Projects and Businesses
Friday 9:00am-10:30am

Energy Savings Guarantee Schemes to Facilitate Investment in Industrial Energy Efficiency at Scale
Etihad ESCO, The Implementation of a Super ESCO in Dubai
Learnings from Bangladesh Industrial Energy Efficiency Finance Program
How Australia’s energy efficiency schemes have unlocked potential
Innovative financing models for ESCO Companies: An example from Indonesia

Session 21
Bridging the EE "Perception Gap"
Friday 11:00am-12:30pm

Innovation through Collaboration
Hunan Province: Regional Government Taking a Leading Role in Developing the Low Carbon Economy
Mandaue City Presentation
Investing in Grassroots Agency for Energy Efficiency

Track 1: Innovations in Energy Efficiency

April 11th, 2016

Session 5
National Energy Efficiency Standards and Regulation. Building the Enabling and Supporting Environment
Thursday 11:00am-12:30pm

Establishing Low Carbon Cities (LCC) into Planners’ and Decision Makers’ Agenda: A Framework towards Sustainable/Green transportation and Energy Efficiency, Quezon City, Philippines
Interventions in Energy Efficient Lighting in Sri Lanka
United For Efficiency: Regionally Harmonized Standards in Appliances and Industrial Equipment
Promoting Building Energy Efficiency through Performance-based Standards: Is it a Challenge?
Vietnam Clean Energy Program (VCEP) Creating the Capacity to Enable High Performance, Green Buildings

Session 9
Cities as Key Decision Makers in Energy Efficiency: What it Takes
Thursday 2:00pm-3:30pm

Establishing Low Carbon Cities (LCC) into Planners’ and Decision Makers’ Agenda: A Framework towards Sustainable/Green transportation and Energy Efficiency, Quezon City, Philippines
ACEF 2016 Iloilo City Presentation Storyboard
LED Street Lighting Project Tale of Two Indonesian Cities Best Practices & Lessons Learned
Business Models and Capacity Development for Energy Efficient Cities in India
District Cooling (in the PRC) - Status and Development Potential

Session 13
Data for Energy Efficiency: Realizing the Promise of Smart Grid and M&V Information Technologies
Thursday 4:00pm-5:30pm

Control the Grid or be Controlled Role of Storage Management, Integration of Renewables and Prediction on the Demand Side
Risk-based Asset Management for Solar Farm
Using Big Data, IoT and Grid Analytics to Optimize Distribution Grids
Measurement & Verification (M&V): the Meter of Energy Efficiency

Track 1: Innovations in Energy Efficiency

April 11th, 2016

Session 1
Energy Efficiency in the Post-COP21 world: Meeting the Challenge
Wednesday 2:00pm-3:30pm

Turning Energy Efficiency into Economic Growth
The Characteristics of Supply and Demand of District Cooling Using Wasted Heat
Delivering Global Energy Efficiency Goals and the offer of Sustainable Energy for All's Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform
China’s Energy Efficiency Policies

Sustainable Energy for All Investor Forum | REGIONAL

April 11th, 2016

Session 1

Sustainable Energy for All Investor Forum 2016 BRIDGING THE INVESTMENT GAP
Sustainable Energy for All Investor Forum 2016 DE-RISKING ENERGY ACCESS TRANSACTIONS
Gham Power: EPC to Energy Services
Working Capital Loans for Energy Access Enterprises

Session 2

Boond Video
Prezi WIN ACEF 2016
Solshare: Create a network.

Reaching the Last Mile: Gender and Socially Inclusive Approaches for Energy Access

March 11th, 2016

Opening PowerPoint

Reaching the Last Mile: Gender and Socially Inclusive Approaches for Energy Access

Session 1

Reaching the Last Mile: Gender and Socially Inclusive Approaches for Energy Access
Philippines Renewable Energy & Development Project (PH-RED)
Scaling energy access through electrification: Case study from MLinda

Session 2

Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves: ACEF Gender Deep Dive
Reaching the BoP - Gender-segregated impacts for GIZ Kenya
Swayam Shikshan Prayog Overview
Wonder Women Program

Deep Dive Workshop on Mini-grids

March 11th, 2016

Incentivizing Community Investment for Upgraded Energy Services
Create a network. Share electricity. Brighten the future
Energy for all
Boond Micro-grid Video


March 11th, 2016

Session A: Setting the scene
Setting in the Scene: Challenges and Opportunities for WTE in DMCs
Agriculture and Forest Waste and Waste Management
Waste to Energy Technology
Transforming Strategy Into Reality
Waste to Energy: transforming strategy into reality
Waste-to-Energy Projects: Case Studies from Pakistan
Korea Waste Management and WtE Vision
Biological Treatment Phil White MCIWM
Affordable small and medium scale Waste-to-Energy plants
Why fuel matters?
Biowaste to Biogas!
RDF from Asian Waste
Thermal Treatment
Waste-To-Energy Plants – Public Private Partnership Singapore
Fuel preparation Phil White, MCIWM
Session C: Drivers and barriers for development of Waste to Energy
“Waste to Clean Energy” - a private Sector Business?
Part 2: Environmental impacts Phil White, MCIWM
Alter NRG Plasma Gasification: The Next Generation of Waste-To-Energy Solutions
CNIM: the approach for WtE market!
Alter NRG Plasma Gasification: Environmental Performance
Session C: Drivers and barriers for development of Waste to Energy Health and social impacts
Part 4: Revenues and costs Phil White, MCIWM
European legislation on W-t-E – Best Available Techniques
Waste to Energy CDM Projects
Case study presentation on what Sri Lanka has done to date in relation to its INDCs and the impact WtE will have on mitigating GHG emissions
Making your city clean and profitable: Waste to Energy

Session D: Thinking Strategically Infrastructure and Service Delivery and Power Purchase Agreements
Waste, Energy & Climate Change Policy
ADB’s Financing on Waste to Energy
Institutional Structures & Economics of Waste Management
Session D: Thinking Strategically INDC implementation
Waste to Energy Technology Choices

Scaling Cleantech: What it Really Takes

March 11th, 2016

Empower Startups to Solve Cleantech Problems
Climate Innovation Center (CIC) Network Scaling cleantech businesses globally
Scaling Clean Energy: What It Really Takes
What is Energy Excelerator
How TusStar Works
Cleantech Open Overview
The global clean energy accelerator

The Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform: Making Public-Private Partnerships work for Energy Efficiency in Asia

March 11th, 2016


ADB’s Energy Efficiency Activities
Accelerating Energy Efficiency
Overview of energy efficiency policies and trends at world level

Session 1

Accelerating Implementation of Energy Efficiency Programmes
Practical Actions for Accelerating Energy Efficiency: Finance, Policy, and Public-Private Partnerships

Session 2

Energy Efficiency for Energy Access
Scaling up Public-Private Partnerships for Energy Efficiency Implementation
Promotion of higher efficient equipment in ASEAN

Session 3

Public Private Partnerships in Promoting Energy Efficiency in Municipalities
Partnership Arrangements under ADB RETA 8483 REG: Asia Energy Efficiency Accelerator
Best practices and policy support activities at the national level